News and Announcements

How many teams will there be in each Recreation Softball division?

The number of teams will vary depending on how many girls register in each division; however, there will probably be between 4 and 8 teams in each division.

Note:  In a given year, divisional boundaries may be reconsidered and adjusted if there is a shortage of players or an excessive number of players in one grade / division.

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What do the Recreation Softball evaluations entail?

The Recreation Softball evaluations involve a series of drills which are designed to allow players to demonstrate their softball skills to the coaches in their division as well as to independent evaluators.  Players will be evaluated in the following areas:

  • Pitching
  • Hitting
  • Running
  • Fielding
  • Throwing

When girls first arrive at the evaluation session, they will check in at the front desk and will provide some basic information after which they will then be given a player number.  From there, they will wait by the warm-up area for their turn.  When it is almost their turn, they will move into the warm-up area and will be given approximately 10 minutes to take warm-up throws.

When called by the evaluation coordinator, each player will report to the on-deck area and will state their player number.  The evaluation coordinator will announce the player and then guide her through the drills.  Players will participate in all drills regardless of their preferred position (e.g., they will pitch even if they are not a pitcher) and will be rated in each of these categories.

The player will start on the pitcher’s plate and will throw a few pitches.  The player will then move to home plate and will hit soft-tossed balls into a net.  After her last swing, the player will run out the “hit” all the way around to second base.  The player will then retrieve her glove and field a few ground balls followed by a few fly balls each time completing the throw to first base.  This completes the evaluation.

Altogether, the entire evaluation – from being announced by the evaluation coordinator to completing the last drill – takes less than 5 minutes.

Everyone involved in the evaluation process recognizes that it can be a bit nerve-racking for the players, so every effort is made by the volunteers, coaches and evaluators to make the evaluation a positive experience for the players.

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When does Recreation Softball registration take place?

Registration for Recreation Softball takes place in late-January and early-February.  Details about registration times and locations will be posted on the MSO Softball News page when they are available.

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What Recreation Softball division will my daughter play in?

For the Recreation Softball program, the division your daughter will play in is based simply on her grade in school.  See the Divisions page for the specific break-up of divisions for the current Recreation Softball season.

Note:  In a given year, divisional boundaries may be reconsidered and adjusted if there is a shortage of players or an excessive number of players in one grade / division.

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When (at what times) are weekday games played?

For the T-Ball / Coach Pitch, Rookie and Junior divisions, weekday games are normally scheduled to start at 6:00pm.  For the Senior division, weekday games may start at either 6:00pm or 7:30pm.  Note, coaches in the older divisions may ask their players to arrive earlier than the game start time in order to allow the team to warm up together prior to the game.

Once the teams are set (in mid-March), a detailed game schedule will be created and posted online (see the Schedules & Standings page).  Naturally, the dates and times for games may change in the event of rainouts or other unforeseen circumstances that require games to be rescheduled.

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