News and Announcements


5 Nova Masters continued the Fall short course meters season at the UCLA Bruins pool. 


 Results will be posted here: 


Nova Masters in attendance:


Jim Dietrich

Gayn Winters

Kim Thornton

Ahelee Sue Osborn

Sam Li (swimming unattached)


 9 New Nova Masters Team Records: 

50-54 Age-Group 

Ahelee Sue Osborn  

200 Free, 2:23.01

50 Breast 38.86 

100 Breast, 1:25.71   

200 IM, 2:43.71 


 55-59 Age-Group 

Kim Thornton :

50 Free, 39.14

100 Free, 1:23.88 

100 Back, 1:36.6

100 Breast, 1:40.40 

 65-69 Age-Group 

Gayn Winters

50 Back, 53.81 

Congratulations to the Nova/Multisports OC athletes to complete the 2008 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii on Sat Oct 11  

Brandy Bounds    
59:20 6:01:03 4:07:26 11:14:25 866 of 1736 17 of 47

Sally Crawford   
1:17:29 7:46:11 4:45:21 14:03:44 1442 of 1736 6 of 18

Kristi Lind      
1:39:14 7:28:35 4:48:10 14:14:20 1456 of 1736 63 of 68

 Here's their reports:

From Brandy:

Just to let you know I survived my first Ironman and it felt SUPER!

Here is how the race went down in an abbreviated format. I positioned myself right in the front because I figure it is easier to get run over versus doing the running over. It was a speedy outward bound until we made the right turn around the sail boat. We hit a small wall of a swell and it became a contact sport again. Soon after we made the final turn for the home stretch and had a nasty current to swim against. Meaning my time out was 27 minutes and coming home 32 minutes. Yes, people slow down on the way home but it was a little tougher.

Bike course was awesome! The first 40 miles I had a lot of speed racers that passed me but I soon caught up to them on my way home after visiting Hawi. They were covered in salt on their backs as well as pedaling squares. We had a sweet tailwind the first 40 or so miles then it shifted as soon as we reached Hapuna Beach where the Honu Half race swims. Then it was nothing but in your face and the swirls. Shortly after I started the 23 mile climb up Hawi with nothing but uphill and wind. Some parts took me 30 minutes to ride a whopping 5 miles. :-(

Finally, making it to the top I had my sweet revenge of the downhill and the swirly winds. I enjoyed myself because I did a lot of passing of wussys that were scared. I figured if I crash at least go down in style, but I stayed up right. The worst part is the last 7 miles of coming down Hawi. The heat begins to turn up and you have a little hill to climb to get back onto the Queen K. All you can smell are dead animals rotting on the side of the road. Yum!

The home stretch was riding on the Queen K back to Hapuna Beach where transition 2 awaited. On my way home I had nothing but head and swirly winds. Different parts of the course went by faster then others but once I started to hit the 85 mile mark it felt like eternity. The winds finally shifted after I passed the Kona Airport which was only 7 miles to go. Bummer!

Yeah, happy times I get to dismount my bike and try to run a marathon. Well, it crossed my mind how I am going to dismount my bike. Will my good ole faithful swing the leg over and run off or do I just stop and then swing the leg over. I started to think if my body would cooperate and it did but I did not go my normal speed racer pace. Good thing for a lot of volunteers because they take your bike and put it away and tell you where to20go. There was no thinking on my part just put one leg in front of the other.

Made it inside transition 2 and I was greeted with one of Natalie and Annie’s friends from high school. They offered a nice cold refreshing towel and sunscreen I gladly accepted and took a seat. We chatted a bit and I put Vaseline on my knees because I like to kick and hit my legs together while I run like a duck. The run started off better then I thought. All of those boring T-runs off the bike paid off. They paid off so well my first mile was a 7:16, OOPPS! a little too fast. I got excited from all the people cheering and ringing cowbells. So, I shut it down to a low or mid 8 minute mile pace. I was good to go till I had too pee then turned into the number 2. I had to stop at mile 8 for a pit stop but only pee came out.

I made it up the last half of Palani drive which is WAY steeper then NBC Television gives credit for and nobody tells you about the steepness till you are on it. Lucky for me the clouds rolled in so the temperature did drop to a balmy low 90s maybe high 80s but still doable. Yeah, I hit that great mile marker of 13 and I was squeezing buns to get to another port o potty. I had a higher successful rate at this bathroom stop, I felt like a million bucks and I was still on pace to go under 4 hours.

I hit the energy lab and came out just fine. Then stupid mile marker 23 hit and I was looking for a bush or port o potty again... There were no warning signs just oh my god got to go now! So, needless to say I stopped all fluids except for warm chicken broth and some water. Every time I had to stop and start again my body and skin ached! I had to warm myself back up to get into rhythm. In the end I did not make the 4 hour cut off but at least I did not crap myself like some people...

With 1-mile to go you can hear the crowds cheering on the Queen K then they make you come back down Palani Drive and you want to cry because everything hurts. Once you make it down the road half way you make this small left turn and you go away from the finish and you do not hear anybody anymore. Then you make another turn then eventually on Alii Drive where the party is happening. Then you see tons of people everywhere and you run through the finish shoot and hope you look good for the camera. I did see Tracy White stick her head out while I ran through the finish so that was cool!

Overall, it was a ***en race and a good experience!

 From Kristi:

Thanks for your support Mike.  What an amazing experience - very humbling.  The bike was MISERABLE - I heard the worst wind in 8 years.  Brandy had a great day.  It was an honor to be with such accomplished athletes.



Mission Viejo, CA - 27 Nova Masters swimmers opened the short course meters season at the Mission Viejo Nadadores Swim Complex on October 5, 2008. 


New swimmers coming out for their 1st masters swim meet – triathletes braving the 1500 time trial – swimmers testing out their new FAST SPEED swim suits - 33 new Nova Team Records! 

Just a week after completing the September Stroke Improvement Month, Nova Masters were ready to test out their new and honed stroke skills!


Photo Gallery courtesy of Brad Arshat and Ahelee is here:


 Results will be posted here: 


New Nova Masters (swimmers & triathletes!) and 1st time meet swimmers included:


Kogan Bao 39

Richard Bush 60

Franco Finizio 59


            (above chose the 1500 to debut!)


Jim Dietrich 37

John Kirker 37

Mara Szabo 33


 Also joining were Nova Masters team mates John Barrett, David Bartels, Alex Cheung, Krystal Deets, David Hayward, Lee Jacobs, Bob Johnson, Lynn Kubasek, Kate Meloney, Heather Stolte, Gerald Wolfe, and Carolyn Wong! 

33 New Nova Masters Team Records: 

(s) split time 

19-24 Age-Group 

Nova Masters Coach Kimberlee Frith 

50 Back, 34.54 


100 IM, 1:12.44

Adam Douglas  

50 Fly, 28.36 


200 IM, 2:29.15

 Nova Coach Max Beissmann  

1500 Free 17:57.10


800 Free, 9:29.49(s) 


400 Free, 4:39.76(s)

 40-44 Age-Group 

Emily Odgers


50 Free, 29.73 


100 Free, 1:05.06 


100 Back, 1:18.85


50 Fly, 33.42


Julia Juliusson  

100 IM, 1:26.16

 50-54 Age-Group 

Coach Ahelee Sue Osborn  

50 Free, 31.24(s)   

100 Free, 1:04.83 


200 Free, 2:26.90(s)


400 Free, 5:05.31 


50 Back, 34.93 


100 Back, 1:15.80 


50 Fly, 33.50 


100 IM, 1:13.32

55-59 Age-Group 

Kim Thornton :


100 Free, 1:31.68(s)

200 Free, 3:07.71 

400 Free, 6:18.75(s) 

1500 Free, 24:17.74 

100 Back, 1:44.81(s) 

200 Back, 3:31.72 

200 Breast, 3:43.09 

50 Fly, 41.46 

100 Fly, 1:46.82(s) 

200 Fly, 3:41.42


 60-64 Age-Group 

Hank Greenberg 

50 Free, 32.34


50 Fly, 33.56


65-69 Age-Group 

Gayn Winters 

50 Back, 55.00 

Post Author Picture

SWIMMING 101 CLASSES - Learn HOW to do it!

Posted by Ahelee Osborn at Sep 9, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

At the Nova Masters Swimming Program we want to help athletes develop a LOVE for swimming and do it as a lifetime activity. We feel that people ENJOY doing things they are good at, and don’t love or enjoy doing things they SUCK at. The purpose of our Swimming 101 classes (They're FREE) is to improve your knowledge, understanding, and skills so you can swim each stroke legally, faster, and with less effort, as well as to compete with confidence in ANY event. Setting personal goals and continuing to improve is a sure way to stay motivated.


While these classes are mostly designed to bring newer swimmers up to speed, they are also a great way for experienced swimmers to get a breakthrough in a particular stroke or skill which may rekindle motivation.


As coaches, we get a lot of satisfaction from seeing our athletes improve and reach personal goals. It gets pretty old to just “run workouts” and see swimmers continuously fall into the same bad habits. That’s why one of our motos is to “Practice with Purpose”. Most athletes will get much more improvement through technique changes than just through training more.


Here are the various Swimming 101 Classes we will offer. You do not need to be a Nova Masters member to attend the first class, but will need to be a member of the program to attend any additional classes. Each class is an hour long and starts with a 30 minute dryland discussion and exercises before getting in the water for the last 30 minutes to work on the new skills.


Swimming 101                     
Backstroke 101                   
Breaststroke 101                 
Butterfly 101                       
Flip Turns 101                      
Individual Medley 101        
Starts  101                            
Swim Meets 101                  
Relays 101                            

Fly/Breast Turns 101 

Strength for Swimmers 101

Triathlete Freestyle 101 (Bring your wetsuit to the class)

To find out the dates they will be offered, get a more complete description of each class, and to RSVP (REQUIRED!!!) go here:




We hope you will make the effort to attend ALL the various Swimming 101 Classes we offer – ESPECIALLY the ones you SUCK at! 


Michael Collins  - Head Coach


LA JOLLA, CA – 4 Nova Masters swimmers participated in the Annual San Diego Senior Games.


All have now qualified to join the Nova Masters Senior Team to compete at the US National Senior Games being held in August of 2009, at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.


Kim Thornton  

Hank Greenberg

Gerard Von Hoffman

Arthur Roth                 


11 new Nova Masters team records were set by:


 Kim Thornton  55-59

200 Back – 3:07.39

200 Breast – 03:25.55

100 Breast – 01:40.98

100 Fly – 1:30.82

 Gerard Von Hoffman 50-54

50 Free – 23.91


 Hank Greenberg 60-64

500 Free – 6:51.13100 Breast – 01:28.25

50 Fly – 30.00

100 Fly – 1:25.73

200 Fly – 2:59.24

100 IM – 1:16.70  

Full meet results here: 

Nova Masters Short Course Team Records can be found here: 

Nova Masters Senior Team Qualified

to compete at the 2009 National Championships: 

Dionne Caldwell, John Dauser, Hank Greenberg, Don Cholodenko, Everett Smethurst, Arthur Roth, Gerard Von Hoffman, Kim Thornton, Ahelee Sue Osborn

