


Game Procedures

Posted by Dennis Kane on Jan 18 2003 at 04:00PM PST
Before the Game - Remember the Ten Rules of Safety. Home Team prepares the field 45 minutes before the game time (chalk field, set out bases, rake sliding areas, tamp mound, water infield dirt and inspect and correct any field hazards), provides the scorekeeper, umpire(if applicable) and game balls. Visiting Team has the first 15 minute in-field warp-up and the Home Team has the second 15 minute infield warm-up. Umpires and managers meet at home plate and exchange lineup cards and review local playing rules (e.g., strike zone, field of play, infield fly, etc.) and calling the game due to darkness, time or weather. Clarify legal pitching motions and innings pitched by any pitcher rules. Inspect equipment and remove players jewelry, candy or gum and be sure that all players are wearing complete uniforms (including caps and rubber cleats) with shirts tucked in. Games should start and end on time. Remember to smile and have fun.    During the Game - Remember the Ten Rules of Safety. Encourage everyone to play SAFE, have FUN and try their best. Limit a new pitcher to 10 warm-up pitches. Speed inning changes by having pitchers warm-up in designated areas, using a spotter if necessary and have catchers wear full protective equipment. Umpires should be in proper position to safely and correctly make the call in a loud clear voice. The umpire's right to err on a judgement call, without challenge, is absolute. It is the responsibility of the Managers to control their spectators. Positive chatter only- cheer the effort, not the result - even for the other team (a good effort is a good effort regardless of who is making it). Remember, we're here for the kids (all of them) - they're all winners always. Keep smiling and keep it fun. After the Game - Remember the Ten Rules of Safety. Cheer your opponent. Both teams should line up for "high fives". Thank the umpire (and remind him that he gets free snackstand meal). Tell your players how good they did (Keep it POSITIVE!) and remind them to go tooth snackstand and receive a free treat. Collect and inspect the equipment. Cleanup and inspect the dugout field and bleachers. Leave with a smile. TEN RULES OF SAFETY 1. Be Alert! - Safety First! 2. Check playing field and equipment for safety hazards. 3. Wear proper fitting equipment. 4. Insure that a first aid kit is available. 5. Know where the nearest phone is located. 6. Maintain discipline while remembering to keep it safe and fun. 7. Safety must be a TEAM EFFORT! 8. Be Organized. 9. Personally see that each player leaves every practice and game with an authorized adult. 10. Have FUN!


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