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Welcome to YOUR MBLL website!

Posted by Dennis Kane at May 4, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


 This is our old site.

Please go to mbll.org 



Little League Baseball - since 1958!
Home Of The 2006 and 2007 Minor Girls Softball State Champs

Please Come Join The Little League Family Fun since 1958 for boys and girls ages 5 through 14. Play Where Your Classmates, Friends & Neighbors Play - In The Manhattan Beach Little League!

Welcome and Play Ball!!


**Note that baseball Jrs., Majors and International are now closed (ages 11-14). If you want to be wait-listed, send an email to dennisjkane@yahoo.com**

Click on the red button to the right to register your player! Pay close attention to the residency question on the form. Our requirments changed last season. Also, for play-up/play-down requests do not fudge your player's birthdate. Go to the age-appropriate category and request your preferred league on the form.

Please make it easier for the Board to plan the season and avoid a late fee by registereing early! Note that special requests for buddies or coaches for T-ball or Coach Pitch are more likely to be granted for early registrants. Late registrants will have to play on teams that have openings.

Is your player new to MBLL? No problem. Go ahead and register and you will be contacted to provide your child's birth certicifcate or passport as proof of age. Please register soon. We have a lot of planning to do and the sooner we have your child's registration, the sooner we can get organized.

If you have any problems, contact me by email or active.com through -

Phone: 877-228-4881

Email: support@active.com

Dennis Kane
MBLL Information Officer

P.S. You may want to look up your kid's physician's address and phone number first. Both are required on the online form.

P.P.S. Very Important! If you do not receive an email confirmation after you register, you should email dennisjkane@yahoo.com. The lack of a confirmation email probably indicates that your attempt to register failed!

Dear Parent of a Manhattan Little League Softball Player, 

We will have softball tryouts, or more precisely player evaluation sessions, on two 
successive Saturdays. During these tryouts experienced softball managers and 
coaches will evaluate all candidates seeking to "move up" a league in 

If your daughter is new to the league and will be in a league where there is a draft, 
please attend one of the two tryouts so she can be evaluated for the draft. Our goal 
is to have every girl rated that will be playing in a league that has a draft. If your 
daughter has played in MBLL then we already have that information. 

Here is the tryout information. Each player requesting to "move up" must attend a 
tryout to determine her eligibility to do so. A player may attend either of these 
sessions. It is not necessary to attend both sessions. 

2009 MLL Softball Tryouts 
When: Saturday, January 10 & 17 
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
Where: American Martyrs Field 

Each player should bring her glove, and bat and helmet if she has them. 

Please review the attached information sheet which describes MLL's softball leagues 
and provides further information regarding the tryouts if you are not sure whether your 
daughter should attend the tryouts. This information is also posted on the league's 
website at mbll.org. 

If your daughter was born in 2002, has played 
two years of MLL T-Ball and has requested to move up to the American Softball 
League, then there is no need for her to attend tryouts. Such players will automatically 
be placed on an American League team. 

If you have any questions regarding MLL softball or the tryouts for softball, please 
do not hesitate to contact me. If you cannot make either of these tryout sessions, 
please let me know and we will do our best to schedule a make up session for those 
unable to attend. 

Greg Werre 
MLL Vice President 
Softball Division 


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What Lies Ahead

Posted by Dennis Kane at Dec 28, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
(In case you'd like to know what we've done, and what we'll be doing, to get ready for the spring season, please read the summary below.)
  • About 1000 kids from new and returning families have registered online from home or at one of our two Walk-in Registrations. We strongly urge any late comers to register immediately to make our planning a bit easier. The mid-January deadline is approaching fast!
  • Tryouts/evaluations for kids new to the league for coach and kid pitch as well as kids requesting to play up will be held on Jan. 10 and 17 at a TBD field. New registrants will be contacted soon to be asked to show proof of residency and birth at the tryouts.
  • Teams will be formed by mid-February. Please don't call the hotline to determine which team your kid will be on. A manager will contact you in February.
  • Manager meetings and manager training will be sprinkled from late January to the third week in February.
  • First practices will commence around the third week in February.
  • Opening Ceremonies and Parade will be held early March.
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Today is a better day

Posted by Dennis Kane at Dec 22, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
It's crisp but clear outside and we will hold the camp today at Big Marine. Regarding the missed day yesterday, we may have a make-up day or just extend the camp hours for the remaining four days. We will discuss that with you when you drop off your kid today.
Please note that at the end of the camp next week, Big Marine, like the rest of the fields, will be shut down for repairs and will stay closed for at least 6 weeks for the seed and sod to take root. Until you see notice on this site that the fields have reopened, please do not try to use the fields, not even for light family activity.