


SPECIAL NOTICE - Little League Baseball and T-Ball Age Determination Date

Posted by Beth Johnson on Nov 08 2005 at 04:00PM PST
For T-Ball and Baseball Players Only!

Little League Families,

Little League has made a change to the calculation of the baseball age determination date, which may affect your child.  Beginning with the spring 2006 Little League baseball season, your child’s age, as of April 30th, will determine their league eligibility.  Softball has a different age determination date which is explained in a separate letter in this package.  In prior seasons, it was your child’s age, as of July 31st, that determined their league eligibility.  For children born in the months of May, June and July, this implies that they will play at the same league-age next year.  For example, a child born on May 14th, 1995 will be considered league-age 10, again, during the 2006 baseball season.  Under the old rules, this child would have been considered league-age 11 and would have been eligible to play in the Majors.  Under the new rules, this child will be slotted to play in International.

In making this change Little League noted that, “under the old regulation, a baseball player, who turned 13 in May, June or July of the current year, would have been considered league-age 13 for that entire season.  That would be the case, despite the fact that such a player likely would have played most or all of the regular season (which generally ends in June) without having actually reached his or her 13th birthday.”

In moving the league-age determination date, Manhattan Little League has developed the following transition rules for each baseball league based on guidance from Little League.

T-Ball:  Children turning 5 in May, June and July of this year will be allowed to play T-Ball.  This is a special rule for 2006 season only.  Note that these children may end up playing three years of T-Ball.

California:  Children turning 7 in May, June and July, may request to play in the California League (Coach Pitch).  When registering, please check the box for “Coach Pitch.”  A try-out will not be required.  This is a special rule for the 2006 season and these children may end up playing three years in the California league.

Coast, International and Majors:  Some children will not be moving up to the next league because their birthdates are in May, June and July.  If parents feel their children would benefit from moving to the next league, they may have them try-out.  If the child’s skills are deemed appropriate for the next league, their name will be put on the draft board.  If the child is not drafted up to the next league, they will be guaranteed a spot on a team in the league where they are league-age eligible. 

Juniors:  A child turning age 13 in May, June and July may request to play in Juniors.  A try-out will be required and the boy cannot play in Juniors and the Majors during the same season.

Tryout dates will be in early January and the dates will be posted on the Manhattan Little League web site at mbll.org

Manhattan Little League appreciates your patience and understanding as we implement the league-age date change.  If you have any questions, please send them to Mark Macdonald at mbmacs@msn.com.

Manhattan Little League


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