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Chief Scalps Dominican Republic

Posted by Joseph O'Hara on Mar 05 2003 at 04:00PM PST
Looking for some added pop to the lineup and some specialists in the bullpen, Al Thomas manager and GM, Joe "Chief" O'Hara recently returned from a scouting trip to Cheeneeahanatu in the Dominican Republic. Chief was scheduled to have lunch with Pedro Martinez when he arrived in the country, but Petey wasn't home. Thinking quickly, the A's GM quickly hired a local transportation consultant to help him locate and evaluate potential diamonds in the rough. Approximately 27 athletes from the Kahlua Region tried out for a position with the Athletics, but only 3 were offered contracts. Their names are being withheld until Visa clarification has been achieved, but rumor has it the players are an infielder, and outfielder, and a relief pitcher, all over 6 foot 3 with swimming pools and beautiful sisters. More to follow.....image


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