

India Club Tournament Schedule!

Posted by Guy Manwaring on Jun 18 2013 at 12:39PM PDT in 2012-13 Fall/Winter

Hi everyone, games for this weekends tournament are on Friday and Saturday only. Game times are as follows at the Newton Park Field Turf.

3:00pm vs Surrey Lions
6:00pm vs West Coast Kings
7:00pm vs Abbotsford
8:00pm vs White Hawks

1:00pm vs United Brothers
2:00pm vs India Club

Please be at the turf 30 minutes prior to game time. I will be bringing the tent again so bring your chairs, snacks, lots of water and juice and bananas.


2013-06-19T12:58:38.000-07:00June 19 2013, at 12:58 PM PDT, Guy Manwaring said:

Please note that there have been changes to the frdiay and Saturday schedule. Our first game friday is now at 3:00pm NOT 2:00pm. Our first Saturday game is now at 1:00pm NOT noon.