

Preventing, Identifying, & Treating Skin Infections

Posted by PlumHS Wrestling on Nov 08 2011 at 01:17PM PST

What Are Skin Infections?
• The skin always has some amount of bacteria, fungus, and viruses living on it
• Skin infections occur when there are breaks in the skin and the organisms have uncontrolled growth
Some Common Skin Infections
• Bacterial Infections – Folliculitus, MRSA, Impetigo (Doctor Treatment)
• Viral Infections – Herpes Simplex, Herpes Gladatorium (Doctor treatment)
• Fungal Infections – Ringworm (Keep area clean & dry / Use Antifungal Topical)
How Are Infections Spread?
• Athlete to Athlete
• Athlete to Equipment to Athlete
• Athlete to Environment to Athlete
How Do You Prevent Skin Infections?
• Use the 3 E’s Wash Cycle
o Wash +E+pidermis (Skin)
o Wash +E+quipment (Clothes, Headgear, Shoes, etc)
o Wash Environment (Coach & Team)
What If I Found an Infection?
• Step 1: Tell A Parent / Coach / Trainer / Etc.
• Step 2: Get Treatment
• Step 3: Get a Skin Infection Form from the website and have a doctor complete it
• Step 4: Follow Treatment thru the Cycle
• Step 5: Continue the 3 E’s Wash Cycle


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