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This Week in Lady Titan Lacrosse - Week of 5 APRIL (Senior Night)

Posted by Jay Hertzler on Apr 05 2021 at 08:12AM PDT in Spring 2021

Lady Titan LAX Family,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break. Welcome back to the grind. We will be going non-stop until the end of the season, so everyone hang on and enjoy the ride.

So, let’s talk about what’s on the schedule for this week. We have 2 tough games (although in the top division we play in, every game is tough). We have games on Tuesday and Thursday night.

Here’s our schedule for this week:

Monday 5 APRIL 5pm – 7pm = Practice outdoors on our practice field. It will be warm and windy. Also, I have heard rumor that we have a team feeding in the parking lot right after practice so we can “carbo-load” for Tuesday night’s game. Woo-hoo!

Tuesday 6 APRILSENIOR NIGHT = Our third game on the schedule, this time vs Sion at LS West Sod Stadium. JV Game at 5:30pm (be there at 4:45 for warm ups), then we’ll have Senior Night festivities, then the Varsity game at 7pm (Varsity be there at 6:00 for Senior Night and warm ups) . Due to the importance of Senior Night, many of you will want to invite additional relatives to attend the game. Just know that due to COVID guidelines, we need to stick to the 2-spectators per rostered player rule. I know this is not preferred, but we need to make sure we follow the school rules. The LAX board wants to post a parent at a table coming into the stadium to count the number of spectators coming in per player so we can make sure we are compliant. I will need a volunteer to do this. Please text me if you are willing to do that.

Wednesday 7 APRIL 5pm – 7pm = Practice. They are calling for rain. We will make every effort to practice outside, but may need to go into the aux gym due to weather, so these times may change depending on what time block we will be given for the gym.

Thursday 8 APRIL = Game #4 vs St. Teresa’s Academy at the LSW Sod Stadium. JV Game at 5:30pm (be there at 4:45 for warm ups), then the Varsity game at 7pm (Varsity be there at 6:15 for warm ups)

Friday 9 APRIL = No practice

That’s the schedule for this week. I hope all of you are excited as I am about getting this party started and getting into playing games. See y’all out there on Tuesday. Remember, please do not invite any additional spectators to Senior Night…I hate getting in trouble with the school. 2 people per player….thank you for your support on this.

~Coach Jay


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