

This Week In Lady Titan Lacrosse - Week of 6 JULY

Posted by Jay Hertzler on Jul 06 2020 at 06:07AM PDT in 2020 Season

Hello Lady Titan LAX Family.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. Now that we are back to the grind, I just wanted to give you an update on ULAX for this week, and what games are on the schedule.

First, here’s what is on the schedule as of this morning:

6:00pm Mesh Addicts vs LSN/BV Titans JV = Heritage Park Field #1
Acceptable face coverings are: bandana, surgical mask, gator pullup, cloth homemade mask, any fabric that will cover the nose and mouth that will stay on the face while the player is running.

That’s it. Goal Diggers do not have a game on the schedule this week.

Second, the Governor of Kansas has mandated that everyone wear masks, so the players must wear a face covering, and any spectators on the sideline are required to wear one unless you can be at least 6 ft away from the next person. Here are the details:

As you know, Governor Kelly recently issued an order mandating face coverings in public. The order includes an exemption for sports activities where social distancing IS possible. Rather than modifying the rules of the game by requiring social distancing at all times (e.g., eliminating contact, draws etc.), we will now be requiring everyone to wear a face covering when maintaining six feet of social distance IS NOT possible. So, for example, you will not be required to wear a face covering when the ball is on the other side of the field or when you are on the sidelines (as long as you can maintain six feet of distance from the next person); however, you will be required to wear one when you are part of the action (e.g., taking draws, actively playing offense/defense etc.). We realize this isn’t ideal but it allows us to safely continue to play the game we love without modifying the rules.

So, as you can see, the league is trying to find the best way to still allow the girls to play the game while following the rules for COVID.

NOW, the important part…I need to know from everyone whether this is acceptable from a parent’s and player’s point of view. I know this league has not been ideal, and ULAX recognizes that the constant changes are frustrating everyone, but they are working in reactionary mode every time a new mandate comes out.

Here’s what I am requesting. Please have every player who is participating in ULAX text their position coaches whether or not they will continue to play ULAX wearing a face covering, or wish to quit playing in the league. One thing I CANNOT guarantee are refunds, as that will be up to ULAX. What I am trying to do is determine if I am going to have enough players who are still willing to play to form a team, or if I’ll have to forfeit games.

That’s it for today. I’ll see the Mesh Addicts team on the field tomorrow night!
~Coach Jay


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