

This Week in Lady Titan Lacrosse - Week of 22 APRIL

Posted by Jay Hertzler on Apr 22 2019 at 05:57AM PDT in 2019 Season

Lady Titan LAX Family,
Week 5 of the 2019 season is here. Last week was a tough one with losses vs St. Teresa’s and against Blue Valley. We go into this week with 3-3 records for both the Varsity and the JV teams, with two games scheduled for this week. We will do our best to bounce back.

We have 2 games this week, both home games.
Here’s what we have coming up for this week:

Monday 22 APRILGAMEDAY!! Tonight is our Senior Night! We will play our JV game at 5:30pm vs Park Lacrosse, then we will have our Senior Night celebration, then we play our Varsity game (probably somewhere around 7:15pm). Anyone wanting to volunteer to help with gameday preparations and breakdown, please be at the stadium by 4:45pm at the latest. We need help with setting up pylons and setting up Senior Banners. I will also need a volunteer to run the game clock and scoreboard. If you are willing to help, please text me at 816-977-5707. By the way, the clock operator has the best seat in the house.

Tuesday 16 APRIL – Outdoor practice at 5pm.

Wednesday 17 APRILGAMEDAY!! This game is a rescheduled game from when we had to postpone our game vs Notre Dame de Sion. Our game will be played on our Practice Field (right behind the tennis courts). Varsity plays first at 4:30pm, then JV plays at 6:00pm. We will not have lights at this field, so that’s the reason for the early game times. You can park right across from the tennis courts, and access the fields using the sidewalk in between the tennis courts.

Thursday 18 APRIL – Outdoor practice at 5pm.

Now, some other housekeeping items. Our End of Season LAX Banquet is scheduled for 17 MAY at 6pm. Attached is the RSVP form that we will need completed and turned into Maj. Rasdall with your payment by 10 MAY. Players and coaches eat for free. We could also use 4-6 additional volunteers to help with setup, breakdown and Audio/Visual. If you are willing to help, please reach out to Honey Hayes at and let her know you are able to help.

That’s it for now…please let me know if you have any questions. All of our game film is online on our HUDL website. This is designed for our players to watch film of their past games and take those learning to improve their game. If your daughter wants to have access to her game film, ask her to send me a text at 816-977-5707 with a valid email address so I can send her an invitation to join the account.

Let’s have a great week. 2 more weeks of the regular season, then we go into the playoffs. Let’s finish strong.

~Coach Jay

The document Lacrosse_Invite_v2.pdf was attached to this post.


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