

Champs Practice and Meet Info 2024

Posted by Madelyn Adkins on Jul 17 2024 at 10:43AM PDT

Hi everyone!

This message is extremely important, as you will find everything you need for our practice on Friday and Champs!

Friday Practice:
Our practice on Friday is at the Rec Center. This allows the swimmers to practice in the pool, so they feel more prepared to race in it on Saturday. We also do a walkthrough with the swimmers to ensure they know exactly where to go during the meet.

The practice schedule is as follows:
9:15 am – Arrive at the Recreation Center and find your secret swimmer to give your last gift and reveal yourself!
9:20 am – 10:00 am – Team Meeting and tour of the recreation center to learn how Champs will work and where to go.
10:00- 10:45 am- Report to the pool deck and begin warm-ups
10:45 am- 11:00 am- Report upstairs in the lobby for donuts

Champs Info:
I recommend completing all of these steps and following this schedule to best prepare your swimmer(s) for their meet:

  • 8:15 am- West Ledge Swimmers Arrive and report to the team area in the event center (main floor near concession stand – west part of building).
  • Set up the swimmer’s area… I recommend setting out a towel, so they have a place to sit. I would make sure your swimmer has multiple. One they can use to sit on, and a couple to use after races.
  • Find their name on the event board and highlight it… this allows us to know your swimmer is here. Make sure your child highlights their name on Saturday. Otherwise, the coaches will assume that your swimmer is not there, and will be scratched from individuals and replaced in relays.
  • Write your swimmer’s EVENT, HEAT, and LANE on their hand/arm in Sharpie. This can be found on the heat sheet! Coaches will also be around to help with this.
  • 9:00-9:20 am: Warm-up
  • 9:30: Meet Starts
    It is important to note that 7-8 and 9-10 relays will need to report to clerk of course IMMEDIATELY after they get out of warm-up.

What to pack:
Extra towels, a blanket to sit on, card games/small travel games, some bring an iPad or device, cap, goggles, warm clothes, and money for the concession stand. For any new families, the meet usually lasts around 8 hours, which is why we recommend bringing games or devices.

Rules to Note:

  • NO parents are allowed on the pool deck during the meet
  • NO swimmers are permitted in the stands when wet!! They MUST have shoes and be wrapped in a towel or be wearing clothes.
  • Swimmers must return upstairs after finishing their event.

Job Volunteers:

  • Please make sure you are ON TIME to the meet AND for your jobs! (If you are late to your jobs, it can cause many problems with flow and delay the meet)
  • ALL TIMERS report to the pool deck(corner by the lifeguard office) at 8:55 am for the timer’s meeting.
  • Please help out where you can. It is greatly appreciated and makes a big difference!

If someone is unable to attend Champs, I need to be notified Thursday by noon. If you do not notify me by then, it is expected that your swimmer will be swimming in the meet.

Admission Fee:
There is an admission fee to get into the meet. It is as follows:

  • Adults and children: $5
  • Children 6 and Under: Free
  • 65 and Up: Free

Heat Sheet:
Heat sheet will be out Friday night! You may want to take pictures of your swimmers’ events.
The scoreboard is not working, however, the meet will be on Meet Mobile, which is an app. I suggest you download this before the meet!

I’m super excited to see all of your swimmers swim this weekend! They have all worked extremely hard, and I’m so proud of how far they have progressed!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you have… Champs can be a lot, so I want to make sure no one is unsure of any details.

Coach Maddie