

Practice & Meet updates week of 7.3

Posted by WL – Westwood Farms on Jun 30 2023 at 10:06AM PDT

Happy Friday! Thank you to Danylo and Ledgewood for hosting a great home meet last night. AND as always, thank you to all our parent volunteers and those that donated food and helped make the meet a success.

Our score was tied with Deerfield Chandler right up through the final relay but we didn’t quite secure the lead in that final event. We’ll get them next time. I’ll be sending results out as soon as I have access to them.

What’s coming up this Week:

Mon 7.3, Tues 7.4 and Wed 7.5 – NO practices, enjoy your holiday!!!

Thursday 7.6: AM practice resumes AND we will have a rain out/make up meet at Huntington Park on Thursday night 7.6 – more details to follow early next week

Our original volunteers for that first Huntington Meet were:

Clerk of Course: 2 OPEN spots
Timers: Tera Thomas, Jen McMahon, Shawn Inks, Joe Whitkofski
Scoring: OPEN
Awards: Hannah Bradford & Ashley Bradford
Alternate: Chrissi Corsi

Liz, Brian, Coach Mad, and Coach Brian Jr return from their western adventure this week. A HUGE thank you to Coach Ryley for taking on the lead these last few weeks. I know all our swimmers will miss seeing her on a daily basis.

Happy 4th July Weekend,