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Wickford improved to 2-1-1 in pool play...                                                                  

Date / Time:                Sunday, 26 July 09 / 1:00 PM____

 Game 4:                     East Greenwich @ Wickford 2____________ 

Location:                    Sprague Field, Narragansett________ 

  1 2 3 4 5 6 Runs Hits
East Greenwich   0 0 2 1 0 0 3 4
Wickford 2   0 4 0 0 1 x 5 6

 Wickford 2 top hitters: 

Nick Gartland:               2 for 2 with 1 run scored

Sam Ostrowski:             1 for 1 (a double) with and RBI

Johnny Kearns:              1 for 1 plus a walk with 1 RBI and 1 run scored

Stephen Maybach:         1 for 2 with a run scoredNathan Mathews:           reached on an error, scored a run, and 1 RBI on a sac fly                         

Wickford 2 top pitchers:

Nathan Mathews:           3 2/3 IP, 3 runs on 4 hits with 8 K and 5 BBs

Patrick Maybach:           1 1/3 IP, 0 runs on 1 hit with 3 Ks and 0 BBs

Nick Gartland:               1 IP, 0 runs on 0 hits with 1 K and 0 BBs            

Description: Wickford’s starting pitcher, Nathan Mathews, got into a bases loaded, one out jam in the first but pitched his way out of it with a strike out and a pop out to first.   Wickford also threatened in the bottom of the first inning, but came up empty, leaving a runner stranded.   Nathan Matthews struck out the side in the top of the second to keep the game knotted at zero.   In the bottom of the second, the Wickford bats came alive.  Wickford took a 4-0 lead on runs by Zach Lynch, Nick Gartland, Johnny Kearns, and Stephen Maybach.  This inning was fueled by Nathan Mathews’ RBI sacrifice fly and Sam Ostrowski’s RBI double.  East Greenwich’s answered with two runs in the top of the third inning.  A third run was stymied at the plate when second baseman, Brandon Jackman, threw to catcher, Zach Lynch, to get an East Greenwich runner attempting to score.  That ended the inning and the rally.   East Greenwich closed the gap to 4-3 in the top of the fourth before Patrick Maybach came on in relief.   He got a strike out to get out of a bases loaded jam, allowing Wickford to hang on to the lead.  He followed that with a 1-2-3 fifth inning.     Wickford got an insurance run in the bottom of the fifth when Johnny Kearns’ RBI single scored Nathan Mathews.   Nick Gartland pitched a 1-2-3 sixth inning for the save.     

With the win, Wickford improved to 2-1-1 in pool play.  Their next game is Monday night, 27 July at 7 PM.  They will play Smithfield at Sprague Field in Narragansett. 

Chariho struck hard in the early innings and went into the bottom of the third inning with a 6-0 lead...

Date / Time:                Saturday, 25 July 09 / 11:00 AM____

 Game 3:                     Chariho @ Wickford 2____________ 

Location:                    Sprague Field, Narragansett________ 

  1 2 3 4 5 6 Runs Hits
Chariho   3 2 1 0 0 0 6 4
Wickford 2   0 0 4 0 1 1 6 4

 Wickford 2 top hitters: 

Kyle Holland:                 reached base three times (walk, single, error) with 2 runs scored  

Nick Gartland:               1 for 1 plus a walk with 2 runs scored

Nathan Mathews:           1 for 1 plus a walk with 1 run scored                   

Matthew Viens:              1 for 1 plus a HBP with 1 run scored and 1 RBI           

Wickford 2 top pitchers:

Zach Lynch:                  1 1/3 IP, 5 runs on 2 hits with 2 K and 3 BBs

Brandon Jackman:         4 2/3 IP, 1 run on 3 hits with 5 Ks and 1 BB

Description: Chariho struck hard in the early innings and went into the bottom of the third inning with a 6-0 lead.   Brandon Jackman came on in relief with one out in the second inning to minimize the damage and quieted the Chariho bats for the rest of the game.  This solid performance gave Wickford a chance to come back.   Wickford took advantage of the opportunity by putting up four runs in the third inning.  Nick Gartland, Nathan Mathews, Matthew Viens, and Kyle Holland all scored to close the gap to 6-4.  Nick Gartland scored again in the fifth inning to close the gap to one and Kyle Holland scored again in the sixth to tie the game.  Johnny Kearns, representing the winning run, was stranded on third when the game ended.   

The game did not go into extra innings and was declared a tie because the field was needed for the next tournament game.   With the tie, Wickford’s record is now 1-1-1 in pool play. 

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Lincoln defeats Wickford2 7-6

Posted by David Sampson at Jul 23, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Wickford struck first off of Patrick Maybach’s RBI double in the top of the first… 

Wickford 2 Score Summary from their second game inthe 11/12 Narragansett Friendship Tournament 

Date / Time:                Thursday, 23 July 09 / 5:00 PM____


Game 2:                     Wickford 2 @ Lincoln___

 Location:                    Sprague Field, Narragansett________ 
  1 2 3 4 5 6 Runs Hits
Wickford 2   1 1 2 1 1 0 6 10
Lincoln   3 2 2 0 0 x 7 2

 Wickford 2 top hitters: 

Kyle Holland:      3 for 3 (3 singles) with 2 runs scored and an RBI   

Sam Ostrowski:     1 for 2 (a single) with an RBI

John Kearns:       1 for 2 (a single) with a run scored

Patrick Maybach:   1 for 3 (a double) with an RBI

Vinnie Thela:      1 for 3 (a single) with a run scored

Zach Lynch:        1 for 2 (plus a walk)

Matthew Viens:     1 for 2

Stephen Maybach:   1 for 2           

Wickford 2 top pitchers:

Nathan Matthews:   1 1/3 IP, 5 runs on no hits with 2 Ks and 6 BBs

Nick Gartland:     3 2/3 IP, 2 unearned runs on 2 hits with 1 K and 0 BBs         

Description: Wickford struck first off of Patrick Maybach’s RBI double in the top of the first, plating Kyle Holland.  Lincoln answered with 3 runs in the bottom of the first.  Wickford cut the lead in the top of the second off of an RBI single by Sam Ostrowski, plating John Kearns.  But Lincoln scored 2 in the bottom of the second.  All five Lincoln runs in the first two innings were scored without a Lincoln hit (all walks, steals, and two errors).   Nick Gartland came on in relief with one out in the second and kept the Lincoln bats at bay for the rest of the game, giving up only 2 hits and 2 unearned runs.  This solid performance gave Wickford a chance to come back.  Wickford took advantage of the opportunity by battling back in the third and fourth innings to close the lead.  Kris Richard and Kyle Holland scored in the third and Brandon Jackman scored in the fourth.   Things were looking good in the fifth after Matthew Viens lead off with a single.  But, the Lincoln pitcher made a great play on a beautifully hit line shot off of Kris Richard’s bat and doubled up Viens on first to deflate the Wickford rally.  With two outs and no one on in the fifth, Wickford still kept battling when Vinnie Thela singled and stole his way around the bases to home, closing the lead to one.   Kyle Holland also singled and stole his way around the bases and represented the tying run on third base with 2 outs.  But, he was caught trying to steal home when the Lincoln catcher played a favorable bounce off the backstop on a passed ball to get him.   Wickford went 1-2-3 in the top of the sixth to end the game.      


With the loss, Wickford drops to 1-1 in pool play.  Wickford’s next game is on Saturday, 25 July at 11 AM.  They will play Chariho at Sprague Field in Narragansett. 

In the second game of the double-elimination portion of the tourney, Wickford
defeated Warwick American 10-4 at home on Wednesday 22 July.  DJ Kennedy pitched
2 innings and Matt Boelter pitched 4 innings.  The team's offense continued its
hot streak with a total of 10 hits.  Hitting highlights included Matt Boelter
(3-4, 4 RBI's including a 3-run homer in the 1st inning, Dean Streich (2-5), and
Bobby Daly who belted a 2-run homer in the 2nd inning.  Hats off to Bobby Daly
who kept the Warwick batters off balance all night by calling a phenomenal game
from behind the plate. 

The team is now 5-0 in the tourney and their next game
is on Monday 27 July.

Come on coaches give us some stats!