News and Announcements

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Sponsors Needed

Posted by Mike Wagner at May 3, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

 Sponsors Needed for our T-Ball League

GLL (Grafton Little League) has far exceeded the number of T-Ball registrants that we anticipated for our inaugural year of Little League T-Ball.  As such, we need to purchase additional equipment and are in need of three more team sponsors.  If you own a business and are willing to sponsor a team, or know someone who could sponsor a team, please contact Jerry Faust.  This is a great opportunity to help grow Grafton Little League as well as to have your business's name seen by several hundred people per week during the season.

Field Clean Up\Shredding Day, Brat & Hot Dog Fry

On Sunday, May 4, 1pm - 5pm we will be holding a combination Field Cleanup Day, Shredding Day and Brat and Hot Dog Fry at the GLL fields.  Field cleanup is necessary to prepare and dress the fields for the season, please consider volunteering.  There will be a shredding truck onsite to shred documents (this is a fundraiser, $5 donation per box requested).  We will also be holding a brat and hot dog fry fundraiser.  The Shredding Day portion of this event has been canceled; we will investigate doing this again at a later time.

Field Clean-Up Tasks

We have a need for four volunteers this Sunday night  (May 20) from 5:30p-7:30p at the new fields.  Please do not sign up if you have already fulfilled your volunteer requirement.

Click HERE to sign up, please follow the posted instructions.

Fall Field Clean-Up Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for fall field clean-up at the new GLL Complex on Saturday, Sept 29 and Sunday, Sept 30, the time on both days is 3:30pm-5:30pm.  Work includes spreading dirt, planting grass, planting trees, spreading gravel, raising bleachers, etc.

Volunteering qualifies you for a volunteer gift card even if you have already earned yours this season.  You must stay at least 2 hours (or until the day's work is completed) to receive the volunteer gift card; gift cards will be distributed at the conclusion of the day's work.

Please bring a rake, shovel and bug spray.

If you can help us out, please sign up HERE.


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Opening Day

Posted by Mike Wagner at Apr 4, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Opening Day Ceremony and Parade

Please join us for our Opening Day Ceremony and team parade at the GLL fields on Saturday, April 26, 9am-10am.  All teams will participate in a parade onto the field where each team's Manager, Coaches and Sponsor is introduced.  The GLL Scholarship winner is also introduced who then throws out the season’s opening pitch.  There will be a drop off in the concession stand for Chinook and Brewer game order forms as well as a drop off for your BaseballMania cards.


Opening Day Parade, Ceremony & Games

Please join us for our Opening Day Parade, Ceremony and games at the GLL fields on Saturday, April 25 at 9am.  Teams will participate in a parade onto the field while each team's Manager, Coaches and Sponsor is introduced.  The GLL Scholarship winner is also introduced who will throw out the season’s opening pitch.

We are working to secure the following guests\events for opening day:  Klements Racing Sausages, Lakeshore Chinooks Gill and the Racing Salmon, GHS Choral Group (NeoNotes), Brian Gotter (WTMJ TV) and Buddy Squirrel.

Opening Day Ceremonies & Ball Throw Fundraiser

Even though Field Clean Up Day has been postponed, Opening Day ceremonies will still be held Sat, Apr 28 at 9am at the 9th Ave fields; please arrive by 8:45am to meet up with your team and get your team shirt.  All GLL teams will participate in a parade onto the field where each team, their manager and their sponsor will be introduced; Brian Gotter will again be our MC.  Following an introduction by Jerry Faust, the National Anthem, and a Chinook Minnow race, our Ball Throw Fundraiser contest will be held.

The Ball Throw Fundraiser contest is similar to the Milwaukee Admiral's chuck a puck contest; over $550 in prizes will be awarded to 1st-3rd place in three different age divisions.  Balls go on sale at 7:30am from two tables located outside field 1.  All proceeds go towards our new Little League complex; click HERE for additional details.

After the Ball Throw Fundraiser contest, the GLL Scholarship winner will be introduced who will throw out the season's opening pitch, games will follow.


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Dick's Sporting Goods Discount Day

Posted by Mike Wagner at Apr 4, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dick's Discount Day

Grafton Little League is teaming up again with Dick's Sporting Goods for Dick's Discount Day.  On Sunday, April 6th, 11am-4pm, Grafton Little League will have a table setup at Dick's Sporting Goods in Grafton to certify bats for the 2014 season.  Dick's is offering a 20% discount to GLL members for this day only; coupons will be available at our Family Night event or you can print your own coupon from HERE.  10% off coupons are available HERE that are valid through Oct 1, 2014.  Finally, we will also be giving away twelve $20 Dick's gift certificates at this even

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Family Meetings

Posted by Mike Wagner at Mar 31, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Family Night

"Gill" the Lakeshore Chinooks mascot will be making a special appearance at this event.

To kick off the season our annual Family Night event will be held in the Grafton High School gym on Tuesday, April 1, 7pm-8pm.  Baseball and Softball players (not T-Ball) will have the opportunity to meet their manager and receive their team hats; BaseballMania Game Cards will be distributed to parentsUnfortunately we will not be able to distribute team hats to T-Ball players or have them meet their managers because T-Ball registration doesn't close until April 5 and teams have not yet been formed.  T-Ball players and parents are still welcome to attend this event to learn about GLL and meet Gill.

There will be promotional tables setup for:

  • BaseballMania
  • Bigler Baseball
  • Chevrolet
  • Concordia Athletic Training
  • Dick's Sporting Goods
  • Lakeshore Chinooks
  • Parisi Speed School
  • Umpire Signup
  • Used equipment sales