

Opening Day

Posted by Mike Wagner on Apr 04 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

Opening Day Ceremony and Parade

Please join us for our Opening Day Ceremony and team parade at the GLL fields on Saturday, April 26, 9am-10am.  All teams will participate in a parade onto the field where each team's Manager, Coaches and Sponsor is introduced.  The GLL Scholarship winner is also introduced who then throws out the season’s opening pitch.  There will be a drop off in the concession stand for Chinook and Brewer game order forms as well as a drop off for your BaseballMania cards.


Opening Day Parade, Ceremony & Games

Please join us for our Opening Day Parade, Ceremony and games at the GLL fields on Saturday, April 25 at 9am.  Teams will participate in a parade onto the field while each team's Manager, Coaches and Sponsor is introduced.  The GLL Scholarship winner is also introduced who will throw out the season’s opening pitch.

We are working to secure the following guests\events for opening day:  Klements Racing Sausages, Lakeshore Chinooks Gill and the Racing Salmon, GHS Choral Group (NeoNotes), Brian Gotter (WTMJ TV) and Buddy Squirrel.

Opening Day Ceremonies & Ball Throw Fundraiser

Even though Field Clean Up Day has been postponed, Opening Day ceremonies will still be held Sat, Apr 28 at 9am at the 9th Ave fields; please arrive by 8:45am to meet up with your team and get your team shirt.  All GLL teams will participate in a parade onto the field where each team, their manager and their sponsor will be introduced; Brian Gotter will again be our MC.  Following an introduction by Jerry Faust, the National Anthem, and a Chinook Minnow race, our Ball Throw Fundraiser contest will be held.

The Ball Throw Fundraiser contest is similar to the Milwaukee Admiral's chuck a puck contest; over $550 in prizes will be awarded to 1st-3rd place in three different age divisions.  Balls go on sale at 7:30am from two tables located outside field 1.  All proceeds go towards our new Little League complex; click HERE for additional details.

After the Ball Throw Fundraiser contest, the GLL Scholarship winner will be introduced who will throw out the season's opening pitch, games will follow.



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