

OUZO TASTE DEFEAT 2-1 at the hands of Virtual Brokers

Posted by Rob Anderson on Feb 13 2010 at 04:00PM PST

SOCCER CITY - ETOBICOKE:  Ouzo took the pitch missing a large component of their offense, with both the Serbian Sensation and Ouzo's captain unable to suit up for battle.


Ouzo's lone goal game from Phil "the Barbarian" Kennedy on a great "give and go" play with Gus " I'm gonna get you sucka" Polymeros that left the opposition's keeper with no  chance. Virtual Brokers's two goals were from the luck jar as about 123335 things had to go right for the goals to end up in the back of Ouzos net . Despite multiple chances at the end if the game Ouzo could not draw even.


The after math was quite intense lasting till 5:09am. This marks two firsts for Ouzo at soccer city. The first time one of the Taxi squad was asked to give an Ouzo member a ride home, which was later declined because the 1:30 am departure time was too early. It was also the first that an Ouzo member called CAA with a perfectly good vehicle for a ride and tow home. With 4 free tows a year for $120 one would be smart to buy shares in CAA.


Final 4









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