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News & Announcements


by Rob Anderson, 2019-05-04T17:00:00.000-07:00May 04 2019, at 05:00 PM PDT

                                       Blood, Sweat and Beers TM
Welcome to the Official Website for Ouzo Indoor Futball Club.
Formed in the winter of 2002, Ouzo FC spent 10 years at Soccer City in Etobicoke. After starting in the 3rd division on Sunday’s, Ouzo FC ... [more]
Past Announcements

Oprah bobs plays host to famous sighting.....

2016-01-23 04:00 PST by Rob Anderson (0 Comments)

JAck BAuer joins Ouzo Member Behn Wurthman at the Mancity supporters bar in toronto.
The af... [more]

OUZO FC win first double at the OSC

2016-01-14 04:00 PST by Rob Anderson (0 Comments)

In case you were under a rock (that Steve may have thrown at some point) the world of OUZO FC sta... [more]

OUZO FC win first ever penalty shoot out to go through to Final?

2016-01-05 04:00 PST by Rob Anderson (0 Comments)

Ouzo FC finished 2015 as the Open Age OSC West (or 1st) Div Champions. This was something t... [more]

Ouzo come from behind to pull off another win

2011-12-10 04:00 PST by Rob Anderson (0 Comments)

SOCCER CITYETOBICOKE – Ouzo FC kept their unblemished season going with a
tenaci... [more]


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