

3rd Annual OUZO - TFC DAY

Posted by Rob Anderson on Apr 03 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

BMO Field - Toronto:  The word out of the Ouzo camp is that the Team will be having their 3rd Annual Ouzo - TFC Day on Saturday, April 4th 2009.  This will be the first Home Game for Toronto FC in 2009.  Management from Ouzo FC was unavailable for comment.

TFC - OUZO Events are known to be legendary.

More details to follow.

"We have been training our staff all winter for this" said Lee, the Head of security at the Brazenhead Pub.  "This Ouzo thing has really caught on fire during the TFC games".

We don't know what this "Ouzo thing" is, but the lads will all be out supporting their team (along with supporting Carlsberg in the infamous Beer Garden)

Before this Huge event, Ouzo will be crowned Division 1 Champions of the Fall Session on Friday, March 6th at Wingers.  Stay tuned for pictures.




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