

Ouzo FC fail to remain undefeated

Posted by Rob Anderson on Mar 02 2008 at 04:00PM PST


SOCCER CITY - ETOBICOKE:  On Friday the Ouzo squad easily defeated FC FREEDOM by the score of 10-1. An early goal by Freedom only angered OUZO as they stormed back with 10 unanswered goals!! Only two ouzo players missed the score sheet. The after match festivities continued upstairs to wingers as the team went late into the night.


A note must be made to the sad performance by defensemen Steve Delaney who only made the final 9, a season worst for him. “That’s what happens when you bring a bowling ball out for the night, you get tired of carrying it" Delaney said as he left the bar!
Sunday however, was a different story on all counts. Ouzo clashed with the other undefeated team Mirage. An early goal put Ouzo on their heals for the first half. Great effort by Ouzo's keeper kept them alive until an unmarked man was able to get deep into ouzo territory and place the ball behind the goalie. Ouzo was able to score half way through the second period but was not able to draw even. Misery loves company as Ouzo remained strong at Wingers until 3:42am - A new Soccer City record. Lord only knows how the Work day went on Monday!




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