

Extra kegs on the way for the Boxing Day Tournament at Wingers

Posted by Rob Anderson on Dec 10 2006 at 04:00PM PST
SOCCER CITY, ETOBICOKE  - The order form has just been put in to Wingers at the request of Ouzo FC to entice current Ouzo Internationale player Graham Fletcher to put his outdoor career on hold. Ouzo Boosters Jackie and John Fletcher and parents of both Graham and Stu “Iron Foot” Fletcher, have reportedly offered to sponsor Fletcher and his family to travel from Georgia in an attempt to get the former OFC defensive rock to join up with the lads for the Boxing Day Tourney.

Jackie Fletcher is quoted in saying “We’ll pay for his family’s flight along with room and board just as long as it’s what management wants. We have spoken to Graham and he is definitely interested. However, his only concern at this time is babysitting and running out of beer at the pub!”

Fletcher will be a great addition to Ouzo's defense. It is his proven dedication of slamming beers in the belly and opposing players in the boards that has made Fletcher a fan favorite.

Fletcher has yet to sign the 1 day contract and is waiting until Wingers confirms that Keg has been order. It is once Fletcher’s agent receives the official purchase order that the deal will be finalized.



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