

Chicago & Imperial Beach Results - Aug 2007

Posted by Michael Collins on Aug 25 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

Chicago Triathlon

 Kevin Hayden and Nicci Fusaro had a serious showdown at the Chicago Accenture Sprint Triathlon on Aug 26th.

Nicci continues to have bragging rights (BARELY) over Kevin by beating him by only THREE seconds even though Kevin out-Swam, out-biked, and out-ran her! What? How can that be? Transitions!!!! Nicci beat Kevin by 54 seconds in T1 & 15 seconds in T2. See splits below: 

303 of 1883 15 of 207 00:17:01 161 00:01:59 00:46:22 797 17.7 00:01:41 00:26:04 511 00:08:24 61 01:33:09

306 of 1883 31 of 132 00:16:43 140 00:02:53 00:45:52 740 17.9 00:01:56 00:25:46 468 00:08:18 243 01:33:12

 Full Race Results Here:  


Here is a report on the Imperial Beach Tri from Bill Langstaff

Hi Mike--I don't know if you got my message---I did the Imperial Beach Sprint Tri Sunday and got 2nd in my age group----the swim took forever---waves and current from Hurricane Dean---but I got thru it and flew thru the bike and had an okay run---1:10---I wanted to break an hour---there is always a goal----your clinic at your house reduced my transition time in half---thanks a million.

Bill Langstaff

Race Results Here:



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