


Posted by Michael Collins on Jun 06 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
KAILUA-KONA, HI - Three Multisports OC members participated in this first year event on the big Island of Hawaii. Coach Michael Collins finished 3rd in the 35-39 age group and 16th overall out of the 700+ competitors with a time of 4:45:16. Collins podium finish was good enough to receive an invitation to the "Big Show" the Hawaii Ironman World Championships, but he graciously passed the spot on with his first child expectant around the first of October. "Alli gave me the hall pass to go but I am really not interested in training again for a race that long and hot. The conditions for the Half were nearly enough to break me, and I don't feel like being out there TWICE that long. The heat on the run going through the lava fields was extremely tough for me. I ran about a minute per mile slower than at the CA half last year. I'm very happy to stick to Sprint and Olympic Distance with an occasional Half to keep my endurance adequate." Michelle Staffon placed 5th in 45-49 with a time of 6:08:01, and showed excellent consistency on the day with the 3rd fastest swim, 5th fastest bike, and 4th fastest run in her age group. High winds on the bike challenged her bike handling skills and limited her time on the aero bars, but her confidnece on the bike is growing. Karen Mastro was 15th in the 50-54 age group in 7:53:25. She had a personal best swim split in the no wetsuit first leg, and followed that up with a strong bike performance before succumbing to the heat of the day in the run. "I had fun in the swim and on the bike," she said, "but when I got out on the run, I just wanted the day to be over." Karen was using the race as a preparation day for her upcoming Ironman Austria and Korea later this summer. The Honu Half Ironman race features the top half of the Hawaii Ironman bike course which makes for good training and gaining experience for those wishing to do IM. They also feature a large number of qualifying slots both for Hawaii residents and international racers wishing to qualify in a distance shorter than doing a full Ironman race. The 2006 race is expected to fill very quickly after registration opens at on June 20, 2005.imageimage


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