

Chicks Abuse Down & Dirty

Posted by Rod Arrant on Apr 24 2004 at 05:00PM PDT

The Chicks took full advantage of the short handed Down & Dirty. The Chicks racked up a total of 21 runs in 4 innings to give Down & dirty another lost. Once again Gabbie Guzman stepped to the mound and pitched a great game. The Chicks were crushing the ball on a hot Saturday afternoon. Gabbie crushed a 4 run blast to keep the Chicks well ahead in the game. This was Gabbie's first hit of the season. Down & Dirty started a little come back in the last inning, but Jazzmin Arrant stepped to the mound and and shut them down. The girls played a great game.

Player of the Game: Gabbie Guzman - Grand Slam Homerun and The Badd Chick Team.


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