

Zach Update #1

Posted by David Pierce on Mar 30 2005 at 04:00PM PST
Zachary has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called FG Syndrome. We started seeing signs of behavior problems with him about a year ago now. Our pediatrician recommended we take him to a therapist due to his bad temper tantrums (when things did not go his way he would lash out by spitting, biting, punching, kicking, pinching, and yelling "shut up idiot")....I felt so proud of my boy for being able to express himself so openly (hahaha). We thought at first that he had Oppositional Defiant Disorder....meaning in very basic terms that the child is much more oppositional and defiant to being told any type of order, and wants to be in constant control. My only problem with this was that as much as he was quite the little "terd" at times, when he was done with the tantrum, he would immediately turn it off and want his mommy. At this same time, Zach started pre-school. He did exhibit some of his more colorful expressions in class, but what I really became concerned with was his lack of real interest in the school setting, and his very apparent delay in learning. About a month into his therapy, we realized Zach does not have O.D.D. We were relieved yet his therapist was concerned with him falling a lot. I happened to question his awesome ability to find the smallest speck of dust and proceed to trip over it. There isn't anything as fearful or sad as watching your child playing, or even just walking and ...BOOM... down he goes...time and time again (his head took the brunt of the falls). Well, that led us back to our pediatrician for a complete neurological write-up. We were recommended to go and see a geneticist and a neurologist at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I thought seeing a geneticist was frankly a waste of my time and I really had no interest in going except that one of my dearest friends is a nurse and was going to further her studies in genetics. I thought it would be interesting at that point to see what it's all about.....and that's where our lives changed forever. At the time I sent out the Christmas cards, we had been given a tentative diagnosis of Opitz G/BBB Syndrome from the geneticist (by the way==small plug for the hospital and our doctor...if you ever have to "visit" this totally rocks!!!) And if you're in the market for a good geneticist==our original geneticist, Dr. Angle, is a very great doctor and awesome guy (Zach HATES doctors and everything they represent...Dr. Angle left the lab coat outside the door, and proceeded to engage Zach in "playing" to be able to examine him, and Zach let him). When the cards went out, I wasn't ready to open up yet....I guess we were both in shock...............Opitz G/BBB is a very rare genetic disorder that involves the physical midline to be off (imagine looking at a picture of yourself and drawing a line straight down the middle of it). His main symptoms involved separated eyes, ...a flat, broad nose, ..high mouth palate, ...double hernias, ...bulging stomach muscles, ...low muscle tone, ...he's very short with very big flat feet, and he must love Michael Jordan 'cuz that tongue is always at the tip of his mouth (hehehe)...and his behaviors were (are) quite severe with massive sensory integration (anything in relation to his senses is totally out of whack==a light grab will send him reeling, yet a gentle rub at times could calm him out of a bad temper (if handled correctly).... and with Zach EVERYTHING is based on his mood which gets difficult when you're not sure if he is sleeping well enough thru the night (due to his flat bridge and high mouth palate), we're guessing that his sinuses are all smashed and screwed up....hence-he constantly snores in his sleep, and has recently picked up a very loud breathing-habit when he inhales. He constantly bangs as if everything is a drum. He would suck on anything that had metal in it. He also has a very short fuse...a look could send him into a tantrum if he's in the mood to be angry. And when he decided to just be moody and "blow" his tantrums would last up to an hour with him chasing me around the house trying to hurt me (thru biting, pinching, kicking). Believe me, for a 4-year old, this kid could hurt you. Even with all my Tae-Bo, he was able to catch me (hahaha). As you can see, I still have my wierd humor..... Anyway, as time went on Zach was tested for and accepted in the Special Education Program for Early Intervention with children that have learning difficulties and/or delays. At the time he was tested, he was about 1.5 years behind where he should be (emotionally, socially, and educationally). This ended up being the absolute best thing for him. We pulled him out of his other pre-school due to his lack of real interest (and the teacher and I clashed over whether anything was truly wrong with I grayed more and more with my stress, she would tell me he's just being a boy....). The day the little yellow bus came for him the first time, I felt so much relief that my baby boy was finally going to be taken care of properly, and I was so proud of him. He so happily got on the bus and waved bye-bye to me..he was on his way to his big boy new school.....and as the bus pulled away, I sobbed and sobbed over the true meaning of the "little yellow bus" (usually used for the special ed. children). That was my first realization in months that my baby boy was "special". God gave him to me for a reason, and I know I'm the best person to raise this beautiful yet challenging little boy that I totally adore and totally stress over. All of our testing began last December. Zach has been to a geneticist, psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, another geneticist (she sucked), and back and forth to his pediatrician multiple times since then. He's also had genetic testing done, an MRI, a sleep study, an EEG, and an EKG done. Our next plight is to see an ear, nose, & throat specialist, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, and a neurologist. After that, I will be ready for my medical degree. Just a few weeks ago, we received word from Dr. Opitz himself (the main doctor who has "discovered" these syndromes) and he decided that what Zachary has follows the Opitz path, but that the FG Syndrome was much more exacting to his symptoms. The basic clinical description is as follows: ........"clinical features include constipation, delayed acquisition of speech and motor skills. Childhood is frequently dominated by severe behavior problems, in part response to communication difficulties but to a larger part to delayed sensory integration with overreaction to sensory stimulation including touch, sound, light, crowds, emotional pressure, temperature variations, and oral aversion to food textures (with tendency to "bolt" food and risk of aspiration and asphyxiation); overreactions occur in the form of severe temper tantrums and withdrawl. Frequent fascinations with mechanical objects and toys, tendency to self-absorption. Frequently diagnosed as "autistic" or as having Asperger Syndrome or "Pervasive Developmental Disorder". Mental retardation is rare - most affected boys and girls function in the normal range. Seizures are rare; spastic diplegia more common." - Dr. John Opitz................ *note* (Zach has the autistic-like symptoms with the drumming [banging] and constantly repeating the same question and answer over and over and over. He also has the spastic diplegia reactions [think of the 80's breakdancers when they would make their bodies do those wierd body movements simultaneously with both arms to their waists, then down their legs, feet, and toes.] That's pretty much what it looks like.) His physicalities are not that severe - a lot of the symptoms mirror the Opitz. Zach's therapist sums it up best, "this is a very challeging little boy that will give you many, many moments of grief and incredible stress...but he also is a good boy with lots of potential and love."


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