


Posted by Matthew Flynn on Jan 27 2009 at 04:00PM PST
Here are our YouTube videos for our Wall Program. For Younger and New players lower the number of catches until you get the hang of catching and throwing, enjoy:
K-5th Grade Wall Ball Program Video (these are also available via your mobile device):
6th-8th Grade Wall Ball Program Video (these are also available via your mobile device): 

Here are some other Drills as well:

There are 5 Stages to this Drill, which you can do on your own. It always helps to have a shooting target/aid to help you with practicing your accuracy while throwing the ball against the wall. A piece of Athletic Tape is always a good idea, as you can remove it once you are done without leaving a mark.


Stand about 10 feet away from the wall - Stage 1

Stage 1: (this will help with general Catching and Throwing with both hands)

  • Throw the ball Straight ahead about 50 times with your Strong hand, catching the ball with your Strong hand.
  • Throw the ball Straight ahead about 25 times with your Weak (off) hand, catching the ball with your Weak (off) hand.

Stand about 10 feet away from the wall - Stage 2

Stage 2:  A (this will help you to better Catch the Ball when it is thrown to opposite stick side for both hands, as most passes are not perfect) B (this will help you with switch hands when you have time to switch hands when ball is in the air to keep your stick away from your oppenent)

  • Throw the ball Crossways about 10-25 times with your Strong hand, catching the ball on your Weak (off) hand side, but still using your Strong hand.
  • Throw the ball Crossways about 10 times with your Weak (off) hand, catching the ball on your Strong hand side, but still using your Weak (off) hand.
  • Throw the ball Crossways about 50-100 times with strong hand, while ball is in air hitting the wall SWITCH HANDS, and catch the ball with your weak hand. Now throw the ball Crossways with weak hand, while ball is in air hitting the wall SWITCH HANDS, and catch the ball with your strong hand. Repeat these steps while switch in hands while ball is in the air.

Stand about 15-20 feet away from the wall - Stage 3

Stage 3: (this will help you to have a quick reaction to passes and catching the ball, as the ball will land either by your feet, hip, and head, so that you can catch the ball wherever it maybe land when a pass comes to you)

  • Throw the ball Straight about 50 times with your Strong hand, letting the ball hit the wall, then bounce on the ground, and up into your strong hand side.
  • Throw the ball Straight about 10-25 times with your Weak (off) hand, letting the ball hit the wall, then bounce on the ground, and up into your Weak hand side.
  • Remember to always be stepping to the ball as it comes to you. Just as if a pass is being throw to you.

Run along the wall about 10-15 feet away from the wall, a long wall is best to use for this. - Stage 4


Stage 4: (this will help you to Catch and Throw the ball while moving on the run)
  • Throw the ball straight about 25-50 times with your Strong hand. Do this while running along the wall (find a wall that is 15-25 Yards) Throwing and Catching while running with your strong hand.
  • Throw the ball straight about 10-25 times with your Weak (off) hand. Do this while running along the wall (find a wall that is 15-25 Yards) Throwing and Catching while running with your Weak (off) hand.

Stage 5: (this will help you with "over the shoulder" catches, When you are moving up field and your teammate is leading you with a pass so that you do not have to stop to catch the ball, this is very important for ALL players, but is even better for Defensemen and Middies to master, for clearing and fast breaks)

  • Strong Hand - Throw the ball at the ground (about a few feet before the wall starts) so it bounces on the ground then have the ball bounce off the wall.(It will make the ball go in the air over you). Once ball bounces off the wall turn around and run away from the wall so you are catching the ball over your shoulder. (just like a wide reciever would do when catching a long pass that is leading him). Go back to wall and repeat for 25-50 times.
  • Do the same over shoulder wall drill now with your weak hand and repeat for 10 times.
  • If you are having trouble catching choke up on your stick by moving your top hand up towards where the plastic head meets the metal shaft of your stick (Just for catching the ball, you will have to move your hand down after catching so you are ready to throw the ball). In time you will be able to get better and move your top hand down to a normal catching hand postion on your stick, about the same hand position as you do when throwing the ball.

Practice all of these Wall Ball Stages once a day, and you will see a big improvement with your overall stick skills. Once you get really good at them add the advanced wall ball drill (below) to your daily wall ball routine. Also make up some of your own drills to add to your routine.  

***Helpful Hint: it is not a bad idea to use music (ipod/mp3 player with your own playlist) while doing your wall ball drills, just run your headphone wires down your back under your shirt. Having music can sometimes help motivate you and keep you on the wall longer, just like any work out routine *** 



This Drill is to be used with and after you have completed the first wall ball drill and can do the first one with ease.


Stand Close to wall 5-10 feet away  

  • Quick stick - 50 times right, 50 times left (NO cradle)
  • One handed quick stick - 25 right, 25 left (NO cradle)
  • Quick stick change of hands - 25 right, 25 left - switch hands while ball is in the air (NO Cradle, or half Cradle if needed)

Step a few feet further away

  • Fast Catch and cradle - 50 right, 50 left (ONE Cradle ONLY and throw) This should be Fast throwing and catching, with only 1 cradle after catching. 
  • Face dodge - 50 right, 50 left (catch Ball-face dodge switching hands-throw)
  • Roll dodge - 50 right, 50 left (catch Ball-roll dodge, protect, change hands-throw) cross handed - 50 right/50left
  • Split dodge - 50 right, 50 left (catch Ball- split dodge and throw) (change hands if you fake and go opposite way on you split dodge.) 

Key words in explaining proper throwing form:

  • Hands up and out from your body (hands should not be close to your body, you loose power/accuracy that way), your bottom hand elbow up pointing at target. 
  • Point stick like a bazooka (stick almost on the shoulder) your butt-end is point at target same with your bottom hand elbow.
  • Push-Pull or sometimes called Pull-Punch motion. Pull is (bottom hand) and push/punch is (top hand) 
  • Point your toe towards target
  • Follow through with your hands, arms, hips, and body.


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