A Few Things
Posted by David Kask on
Jan 14 2009
04:00PM PST
Our Duluth East Invitational is happening next week Thursday, January 22. We need lots of parent help to pull it off. Some of the things that we need help with are:
Wednesday night
- Someone to organize the team dinner (2)
- Sorting bibs (2)
- Setting up the stadium (2)
- Final statium setup (1-2)
- Parking attendent (2)
- Starting & lining up skiers (6)
- Finish line timing (4)
- Bib takers (2)
- Bib sorters for pursuit race (2)
- Consession help (2)
- Trail director (2)
- Stadium take down (2+)
- Clean-up Snowflake (4+)
If you can help please call Bonnie at 724.2775 or sign-up on the bulletin board at Snowflake.
Thanks much!
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