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What's Up

Posted by David Kask on Jan 04 2005 at 04:00PM PST
Great job skiers at the CEC Invite. Duluth East won all six races. It was another cold one and another chance to get your cold weather racing atire tweeked. Remember you can't wear the same thing for a race at 5 degrees as you do at 30 degreees. Saturday is the Mesabi East Invite. The forcast right now is for a high in the mid 20s. Balmy by recient race temperatures. Next week the Dan Hedin Relays will be held at Spirit Mt. We don't have any details yet but watch the web site and listen to the phone line. The time may have to change as I don't know if they have lights anymore. Right now it is scheduled as an evening race. We will have a sign up sheet at Snowflake today. Saturday the 15th of January we will be going to the Ely Invitational. The sign up for this will be out next Monday. We will be having a team dinner Friday the 14th. Are there any parents out there willing to help with the dinner? Call or e-mail Bonnie if you can. See you on the trails.


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