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West Yellowstone Update - Leaving 10 a.m. Saturday

Posted by David Kask on Nov 17 2016 at 04:00PM PST

Hello Skiers,

Due to the road conditions in Minnesota the bus company has told us that they will not be able to travel across Minnesota this evening. Therefore we will be leaving Duluth Saturday morning. We will be loading the buses at 9:30 a.m. and leaving from Ordean East at 10:00 a.m. This should get us into West Yellowstone about 8:00 a.m. in time for our morning ski. Pack a lunch for Saturday noon on the bus.

Also in talking to the ski shop in West Yellowstone we will not need roller skis. It was -10 degrees there this morning and is expected to stay cold. They are also expecting more snow on Monday. Make sure you bring running shoes just in case.

Check your email, the Duluth East Website www.dulutheastnordic.org and the facebook page dulutheastnordic for updates.


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