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Skier and Parent Information Meetings

Posted by David Kask on Oct 29 2006 at 04:00PM PST
Hello Skiers and Parents, We will be having an information meeting for all Duluth East students in 9-12 grade that are interested in joining the Duluth East Nordic Ski Team on Wednesday, November 1 at 3:30 (after school). Listen to the announcements for the room and exact time. There will also be a meeting at Ordean Middle school for 7th and 8th grade students that are interested in joining the team. The meeting will be at Ordean on Wednesday, November 1 after school. Listen to the announcements for the exact time and place. We will have the East Nordic Parents meeting on Wednesday, November 8 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m in the East Cafeteria (I think). This is where all your questions will be answered and fees and forms turned in. Make sure you are there your check book is full of checks. It really helps when all the formality of the fees and forms is taken care of at this meeting. Respectively, Your Coaches, Bonnie & Dave


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