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Posted by John Reuther at May 4, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The Firecats have a new website:  it has improved player profiles for college recruiters.

With the win in the Vegas Cup, the girls have pushed up in the rankings to #2 in the nation

3/2011 Vegas Cup:   The girls went to the Vegas Cup sporting a national ranking of #6 and swept the way clean with a 4-0-0 record against some of the best competition of the west. Notable was the first win against Lamorinda (Oakland) who came into the game as the defending Golden State Girls League champions and who were also last summers San Diego Surf Cup Champions with victories over the Slammers FC and the SoCal Blues, two other highly ranked national level teams. The girls played tenaciously this weekend and made a great start to the spring 2011 season.

1/2011: Disney:  The girls had a great time in Disney this December/January and came away with two wins.  On the first day, they lost a tough game with National League Champion Dallas in a game that could have gone either way, then came roaring back with wins against formally undefeated Tampa Bay and Chicago.  The weather was great and the sun was shining and there was some great soccer on the fields.

2010/11 "National League"  National League competition started on December 2 near Raleigh NC.  The Firecats girls finished the weekend with 2 wins and 2 losses.  They opened the weekend with the former top ranked national team the SoCal Blues from Southern California.   The Virginia girls played well, but couldn't contain the National League leading scorer who got 2 goals for a 0-2 score.  On the second day, the girls faced Albion SC from San Diego and controlled much of the game, but couldn't put away a goal and dropped the contest 0-1.  The Firecats acclimated to the level of competition and rallyed on the 3rd day for a 2-1 win over Cleveland and then wrapped up the weekend with a 4-0 win over Westchester NY. (video clips and standings from the national league)

2010/11 U16 State Championship: The Girls won the Virginia State Championship on Halloween 2010 and are back-t0-back winners (U15 and U16).  Region 1 Championships will be played in Hershey PA in July 2011. 

2010 Fall:   The girls are 15-4-1 against teams their own age this fall so far.  The "Champions" Division in WAGS was a great experience. 
For information on the Firecats email Coach Nadir Moumen at

2008:  Overall the girls finished 40-7-3 for the year and wrapped it up with a championship in the Bethesda Thanksgiving Tournament in November.   The girls had 4 tournament championships over the year.  The team wrapped up the season with a #5 national ranking.

We stay in accordance with WAGS rules regarding recruiting, so if you're interested, please contact us first...Nadir at (703) 403-0545 or Rich at (703) 378-7667 or

We believe in The Pursuit of Excellence.

Donations:  We are always looking for donations to offset the cost of uniforms, travel, tournament fees, league fees, insurance and myriad other expenses.   
Team Events
  • Jefferson Cup  - Richmond VA March 2011
  • PDA Tournament - NJ - May 2011 
  • Region 1 championships - Hershey PA - July 2011
  • National Championships - Arizona - July 2011
  • Surf Cup San Diego, CA  - August 2011


  • 2011 Mar - Vegas Cup - Champions 
  • 2011 Jan - Disney Showcase - Semi-finalists 
  • 2010 Nov - Bethesda Thanksgiving Tournament - Finalists 
  • 2010 Oct - Virgina State Cup - Champions (Repeat)
  • 2010 Sep - OBGC Capital Cup Champions 
  • 2010 Aug - San Diego Surf Cup 
  • 2010 Jul - Region 1 Tournament in West Virginia 
  • 2010 Mar - Jefferson Cup Championship Bracket (top Bracket) - Finalists  
  • 2010 Jan - Disney Showcase - Qtr Finalists 
  • 2009 Dec -  Virginia State Cup - Champions
  • 2009 Nov - Bethesda Thanksgiving Tournament Undefeated (2-0)
  • 2009 Oct -  WAGS Tournament Semi-finalists (wins over PA & NJ State champions)
  • 2009 May - Columbia Memorial Day  Finalists
  • 2009 May - State Cup Finalists
  • 2009 Mar - Arlington Invitational Champions 
  • 2008 Nov - Bethesda Thanksgiving Tournament Champions 
  • 2008 Nov - WAGS Division 1 Finalists 
  • 2008 Aug - Capital Cup Finalists 
  • 2008 Aug - Spirit Kickoff Champions 
  • 2008 Jun - WAGS Division 1 Champions 
  • 2008 May - Virginian Champions 
  • 2008 May - State Cup Finalists 
  • 2008 Mar - Jefferson Cup - won 2 of 3 
  • 2008 Mar - Arlington Invitiational - Champions 
  • 2007 Nov - Bethesda Tournament - Finalists
  • 2007 Oct - WAGS Tournament - Top Division -"Cup" flight with the best teams in the nation
  • 2007 Aug - Cardinal Cup, Played "up" and tied the year-older 2006 State Champions
  • 2007 Jun - SAC McSoccerfest 4x4 U12 Elite Division Champions 
  • 2007 Jun - US Club Soccer Regional Championships (VA, MD, NJ, NY etc) Finalists
  • 2007 Mar - Jefferson Cup 
  • 2007 Mar - Arlingtion Invitational (VA) Finalists
  • 2006 Nov - Bethesda Thanksgiving (MD) - Rained out after 1 day
  • 2006 Nov - CASL Raleigh (NC) Shootout Finalists
  • 2006 Nov - WAGS Fall League Division S Champions
  • 2006 Sep  - Prince William (VA) Toys for Tots Premier Champions
  • 2006 Aug - August Cup (MD) Premier Champions
  • 2006 Jun - Hershey (PA) Kicks for Kids Premier Champions
  • 2006 Mar - St. Paddy's Day (VA) Premier Champions
  • 2005 Nov - MCSA (VA) Fall Classic Premier Champions 
  • 2005 Sept - Prince William (VA) Invitational Toys for Tots Premier Finalists 
  • 2005 Aug - Dulles (VA) National Soccer Tournament Premier Champions 

Words of Wisdom: 

  • "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." - John Ruskin
  • "Practicing with the same intensity as games is key and critical to good execution" - Gary Smerdzinski
  • "Not everyone who practices every day is a champion, but everyone who is a champion practices every day"
  • Don't knock your competitors.  By boosting others you will boost yourself.  A little competition is a good thing - Jacob Kindleberger.
  • "There's only one way to succeed in anything and that is to give it your all"  - Vince Lombardi
  • "Never give up, things aren't always going to be how you want them to be. If you keep working hard, eventually you'll get it." Jarrett Payton
  • "Nothing great was ever acheived without enthusiasm" - Ralph Emerson
  • "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."   - Thomas Jefferson
  • "Energy and persistence conquer all things." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill.
  • "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than events." --Vince Lombardi
  • "The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when nobody else is watching."  -Anson Dorrance
  • "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." - Babe Ruth

Accept defeat with dignity.  Winning is the object of playing any game. Never set out to lose. If you do
not play to win, you are cheating your opponents, deceiving those who are watching, and also fooling
yourself. Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones. 
It is an insult to any opponent to play at less than full strength. Play to win, until the final whistle.  But remember nobody wins all the time. You win some, you lose some. Learn to lose graciously.  Do not seek excuses for defeat. Genuine reasons will always be self-evident. Congratulate the winners with good grace. Do not blame the referee or anyone else. Be determined to do better next time. Good losers earn more respect than bad winners.  
"FIFA's fair-play code for Football
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2008 Spring

Posted by Rich Gleason at Jun 12, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The spring of 2008 was an interesting season.  Between State Cup and rainouts, we had many of our games postponed until the end of the season and at the end we played games on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesdays.  Over the course of the season we had three Wednesday games.  We played 5 state cup games culminating in a loss in the championship game to the Hotspurs, but then bouncing back to win 5

 CYA Firecats 9 8 1 0 24 22:8
 VSA Heat Blue 9 7 1 1 22 23:5
 BETH Freedom 94/95 9 6 2 1 19 15:8
 CHAN Hotspur 9 4 2 3 15 14:6
 HERN Elite 9 4 3 2 14 14:8
 FREE Elite 94 9 3 3 3 12 12:12
 SAC United Premier 9 3 5 1 10 8:16
 MCLN MPS Power 9 1 5 3 6 12:18
 ASC Ashburn Xtreme 9 0 7 2 2 4:18
 WWSC Wolves 9 0 7 2 2 6:31


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Injury Prevention

Posted by Rich Gleason at May 28, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Injury Prevention:  We incorporate a program for injury prevention in girls into our practice regimen.  Nadir has been trained in California where much of the current research on injury prevention has been taking place and where a large recent study was completed.  We practice a lot, but we also work on training them in good form, strenghtening and stretching to minimize injury.  We've also had consulting on this subject from a professor who specializes in this field since U9. 

Click on the link above (the title) to see a letter from Wendy LeBolt, PhD on injury prevention.  It includes and invitation for coaches and players go participate in additional training on injury prevention.   Injury prevention is very important to us and we've had Wendy design exercises and drills into our "curriculum" since U9 to strengthen muscles and emphasize form that has been shown, through study, to reduce the incidence of injury.  We also have Wendy visit us periodically to check form and play the many fun and interesting games that she brings us. 

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Social Activities

Posted by Rich Gleason at May 28, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Washington Wizards Basketball: Thank you Nadir for treating the girls to an evening at the Washington Wizards basketball game vs. the Philadelphia 76'ers.  It was an exciting game and a great deal of fun between riding the metro, seeing downtown and the pagentry and energy of the game itself.
Trip to Philadelphia coming up soon: We'll have a late game Saturday (6pm) and will head out for dinner afterwards. 

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10th Mountain Division History

Posted by Rich Gleason at May 5, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
10th Mountain Division - World War II

This unique organization came into being on July 13, 1943, at Camp Hale, Colorado as the 10th Light Division (Alpine). The combat power of the Division was contained in the 85th, 86th, and 87th Infantry Regiments. The Division’s year training at the 9,200 foot high Camp Hale honed the skills of its soldiers to fight and survive under the most brutal mountain conditions.

On June 22, 1944, the Division was shipped to Camp Swift, Texas to prepare for the Louisiana maneuvers of 1944, which were later canceled. A period of acclimation to a low altitude and hot climate was necessary to prepare for this training.

On November 6, 1944, the 10th Division was redesignated the 10th Mountain Division. That same month the blue and white "Mountain" tab was authorized.

Combat - 1945

The division entered combat on January 28, 1945 in the North Apennine Mountains of Italy. The division faced German positions arrayed along the 5 mile long Monte Belvedere-Monte della Torraccia ridge. Other divisions had attempted to assault Mount Belvedere three times, even holding it temporarily, but none had succeeded. To get to Mount Belvedere the division first had to take a ridge line to the west known to the Americans as the Riva Ridge. The Germans on Riva Ridge protected the approaches to Mount Belvedere. The assault on Riva Ridge was the task of the 1st Battalion and F Company, 2d Battalion, 86th Mountain Infantry. After much scouting, it was decided the assault would be at night, a 1,500-vertical-assent. The Germans considered the ridge to be impossible to scale and manned it with only one battalion of mountain troops. The attack by the 86th on February 18, 1945, was a complete success and an unwelcome surprise to the Germans.

Mount Belvedere was assaulted next. Belvedere was heavily manned and protected with minefields. Shortly after the 86th assault on the Riva Ridge, the 85th and 87th Regiments made a bayonet attack without covering artillery fire on Belvedere beginning on February 19th. Again the surprise of the assault was successful and after a hard fight, the peak was captured. Realizing the importance of the peak, the Germans made seven counterattacks over two days. After the first three days of intense combat, the division lost 850 casualties to include 195 dead. The 10th had captured over 1,000 prisoners. The 10th was now in a position to breach the German's Apennine Mountain line, take Highway 65 and open the way to the Po Valley.

On April 14, 1945, the final phase of the war in Italy began. With the 85th and 87th leading, the 10th Mountain Division attacked toward the Po Valley spearheading the Fifth Army drive. The fighting was fierce with the loss of 553 mountain infantryman killed, wounded, or missing in the first day.

On April 14th, Private First Class John D. Magrath, from East Norwalk, Connecticut, assigned to Company G, 2d Battalion 85th Infantry, became the division's only Medal of Honor recipient. His company was pinned down by heavy artillery, mortar and small-arms fire near Castel d’ Aiano, Italy. Shortly after the company had crossed the line of departure, it came under intense enemy fire and the company commander, Captain Halvorson was killed. Volunteering to accompany the acting commander with a small reconnaissance party moving on Hill 909, radioman Magrath set out with the group. After going only a few yards, the party was pinned down. But instead of flopping to the ground as the others had done, Magrath, armed only with his M-1 Garand, charged ahead and disappeared around the corner of a house. Coming face to face with two Germans manning a machine gun, Magrath killed one and forced the other to surrender. Five more of the enemy emerged from their foxholes, firing at Magrath and retreating toward their own lines. Discarding his rifle in favor of the deadlier German MG-34 machine gun, Magrath mowed down the fleeing enemy, killing one and wounding three. He then saw another German position, moved forward, and exchanged fire until he had killed two and wounded three and captured their weapon. The rest of Company G followed his lead with amazed admiration. Later that day, Magrath volunteered to run through heavy shelling to gather a casualty report. As he was crossing an open field, two mortar rounds landed at his feet, killing him instantly. John Magrath, age nineteen, was awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously. In June 1995, Fort Drum, New York renamed its Soldiers Sports Complex as the John D. Magrath Gymnasium. A plaque and portrait at Magrath Gym honor his memory.

Early on April 20th, the seventh day of the attack, the first units of the 85th Infantry Regiment broke out into Po Valley. Five days of attack had cost 1,283 casualties. With the German’s mountain line broken, the next objective was to cross the Po River.

On the morning of April 23rd, the 10th was the first division to reach the Po River. The first battalion of the 87th Mountain Infantry, the original mountain infantry unit, made the crossing under fire in 50 light canvas assault boats.

The final combat for the 10th Division took place in the vicinity of Lake Garda, a canyon lake at the foothills of the Alps. On April 27, 1945, the first troops reached the south end of the lake, cutting off the German Army’s main escape route to the Brenner Pass. The drive was delayed by destroyed tunnels and road blocks. Using amphibious DUKWs, these obstacles were bypassed and the towns of Riva and Tarbole at the head of the lake were captured. Organized resistance in Italy ended on May 2, 1945.

The 10th completely destroyed five elite German divisions. In 114 days of combat, the 10th Division suffered casualties of 992 killed in action and 4,154 wounded.

Since the 10th Mountain Division was one of the last to enter combat, it was to be used in the projected invasion of Japan. These plans ended with the surrender of Japan in August 1945. After a brief tour of duty in the Army of Occupation in Italy, the 10th was sent to Camp Carson, Colorado. There on 30 November 1945, the 10th Mountain Division was disbanded
