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Shambles non-World Cup, Sun 9th July 2006

Posted by Mark Allen at Jul 2, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Sunday 9th July sees the Shambles non-World Cup! 8 teams : Squads of 10 players each. 8-a-side football, including goalkeepers. Playing on half-pitches. Each game 20 mins long. Location: TaiPingSi. Total time: from 10 am to 5pm (maybe 6 if timing gets a bit sticky) How to get there: Bikes, cars and taxis : it's not that far. Meet at the Shamrock at 10 am on Sunday morning. Cost: Shambles paid-up members: 20 rmb, non-members 40 rmb Let Joel ( know if you want to play. What do you get for your time and money? 1. A fun tournament of 8-a-side footy, probably refereed (no, not by Mark)! 2. Water (wow!) 3. A trophy for your team! 4. Injured, perhaps. We hope not, but you never know. 5. Some beers and or soft drinks back at the Shamrock. It is supposed to be fun, you will get a lot of football, and we can re-use our excuses for not winning last time - what could be better? There might even be some special footy skills competitions just to pep things up a bit. We need 5 or 6 other teams (it is only 40 rmb for each player, which is a bargain!). If you know a team that wants to play, ask them to call Joel on 13547914427, or Foxy 13980409390. Hope to see you there. It should be a good one. 3 teams have signed up already, and we will get more in the next couple of days.
2pm Team List: Fox Mark W Andy P Jim SH Kaleb Mark A Joel Mark G Kevin Norm Mike Jon Newsham Kasen Whitehouse 4pm team list to be posted soon!
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Teams: Sun 25th

Posted by Mark Allen at Jun 23, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The teams this Sunday, 25th June for the games at Sichuan University... 2pm Mark A Joel Mark W Norm Mark G Kaleb Zimri Zayne Jim Fox Giggs Kevin Andy Pask SH Reserve - Mike 4pm Mark A Mark G Kaleb Ype Jop Julien Jim Skidow Tommy Fred Larry Snail Whitehouse Forest Many thanks to Joel for doing sign-ups, and to Foxy, our long-suffering game arranger!
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More popular than Google

Posted by Mark Allen at May 17, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
It's May 2006 and the site has just passed 4000 hits, a number almost as large as the number of free beers we've guzzled. So, there's another dubious reason to celebrate. Well played.
Teams chosen on basis of those members who have signed up for the Shambles... Please remember the captain and vice captain have control of substitutions. Be nice to them! THE SHAMBOLICS SH Eng (Captain) Kaleb (Vice Captain) Andy Pasky Arnaud Francois Giggsy Jim Joel Cockney Julien Kevin Mark Guan Mark W Norm Rich Barwick Wang TOTAL SHAMBLES Mark A (Captain) Andy S Forest A Jeff Hu Julien Le B. - new member! Lee - Zhang Li Wu Li Bai Mike W (goalie!!!) - new member! Nicholas R - new member! Pascal H - new member! Peter SC Ryan K Simon D. Skiddo Steve M Tommy