

High scoring fest

Posted by Mark Allen on Mar 27 2005 at 04:00PM PST
Sunday 27th March saw the Shambles faithful gather at Taipingsi grass pitches for an intrateam match. Mark Wheeler got 4 (or more?) but ended up on the losing team. The unlucky Whites did something unheard of or even unseen of for a Shambles team - they were nearly all playing in defensive positions. Their midfield put together some great moves although poor Norm (Ronaldo for a day) never got the service he expected. The Greens seemed to score at will, with a particularly tasty volley from Toby a bit of a highlight (OK, I can't remember the others). All good fun, hardly any fouls (except for that handball by Kaleb - honestly, the youth of today has no respect for the rules). The open 'stream' next to the pitch did make it a bit tricky to breathe in one corner of the pitch, too. From now on it's 200 rmb a year to be a member of the Shambles, and there is a tournament coming up on the weekend of 28th and 29th May 05. Mark Wheeler has kindly agreed to take over as treasurer, so be nice to him. Nat's working on the design for membership cards. So in future paid up members will get priority for playing and non-members will have to pay extra to play. There are about 50 people on the mailing list and with improving weather we hope to get even more people involved. Thanks again to Peter for organising everything.


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