

Tournament details - buses etc.

Posted by Mark Allen on May 14 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
------------------------------- GETTING THERE Buses will leave for the tournament as follows: SATURDAY, 20TH MAY 8.30 AM Shamrock 9:00 AM opposite Xi Nan Cai Jing Bei Da Men (For those who live in the wild west) Let us know if you will be at the Shamrock or at the other pick-up location (!). We need to know who will be where. Similarly, please let us know if you are driving there, or are getting a lift there. Contact numbers for emergencies: Andy Pask: 13880231914 (if you are being picked up at Xi Nan Cai Jing Peter 13882266575 Mark 13689009441 Foxy: 13980409390 Shamrock phone number: 85236158 ------------------------------- TEAM SHIRTS Please bring at least 2 different shirts, each of a different colour. Bring your Shambles red shirt, white shirt, and a blue T-shirt. Then, whatever opposition we come up against, we should at least look slightly organised. ------------------------------- FOOD There is a small shop there (please bring some money), but don't expect there to be a banquet. To be on the safe side, bring some lunch with you. It's a long day. You will be hungry. If not, give your food to me, please. ------------------------------- DRINK! Water is provided, but it would still be wise to bring your own bottle of water, just in case it takes a while for the water to be distributed. We will get 16 five-gallon bottles of water (2 drums for each team) and paper cups, as well as 12 cases of little bottles for staff. ------------------------------- BOOTS There's an astro turf pitch and a grass pitch, so bring football boots and trainers/sneakers, too. If you have large feet and a spare pair of boots/trainers, please bring them along (feet and shoes). ------------------------------- GETTING BACK INTO TOWN The buses will return to Chengdu after the trophy presentation ceremony. Every team gets a trophy! We won 3 last year, all labelled 'participant'. ------------------------------- CAPTAINS, VICE CAPTAINS SH is captain and Kaleb vice-captain of their team. Mark Allen is captain of his, and he'll appoint a vice captain on the day, or before (or after?). The captains and vice-captains will be in charge of substitutions. ------------------------------- DON'T BE NAUGHTY! Please turn up on time. We have lots of players. We really are on show (scary thought). Fox and his school have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this, so any 'dramatic arguments' will not be appreciated. It was great fun last year, good atmosphere etc. ------------------------------- ANY QUESTIONS? I'll put this info on Any more questions, contact me on 13689009441 (, or Peter on 13882266575 ( Foxy: 13980409390 Andy Pask: 13880231914 ------------------------------- OTHER... Please bring cameras for lots of pictures of our athletic performances. There will be a few (lots of) beers in the evening at the Shamrock - more details later. If you think you can help in any way, or if you need more info, please get in touch. Do your hair nicely - there's an opening ceremony that is filmed for TV broadcast (Chengdu House of Horrors?) It should be a fantastic day. Good luck, Shambles! Mark-Goran Eriksson & Peter Beckenbauer


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