

Shambles v. Shambles at TaiPingSi, 30th April 2006

Posted by Mark Allen on May 02 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
Sunday 30th April 2006 saw a bit of a change for the Shambles' Sunday games. GET OUT OF TOWN Due to the weekend switch to enable a 7-day working week before a longer holiday, many people were not available to play, in particular opposition teams. So the Shambles, as ever organised by Peter, went out to the grass pitches at TaiPingSi, just south of the 3rd ring road. POO, FOOTBALL, GUY Glorious sunshine and the deliciously aromatic waft of open sewage made for a memorable arrival at the pitch. After a bit of a kickaround, demonstrating our awesome crossing and heading ability, the assembled throng was split into two 9-aside teams (probably 9, anyway). The Reds and the non-Reds battled it out, with some great skill shown by some, and some copious amounts of sweat the most notable contribution of others. Guy's stunning header was the champagne moment - a swift cross was met shudderingly by the amiable Kiwi's head, and the ball powered downwards, crunching into the ground a metre from the goal line, bouncing up in to the back of the net. The goalkeeper had no chance. No, it wasn't an own goal. A fantastic header. We look forward to a repeat performance in the tournament. RESULT Tommy was kind enough to referee for us on the day. The result? Exhaustion, which was at least relieved by the free beer and coca cola at the Shamrock afterwards - a very good turnout at the pitch and at the pub. UPCOMING TOURNAMENT Captains for the tournament were chosen, so we hope we get enough players to fill the teams! Many thanks to those who drove out to TaiPingSi - Will, Mark W and Ypes and perhaps someone I've forgotten. Back to Chuan Da next week.


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