

Members - in, out, shake it all about.

Posted by Mark Allen on Jul 28 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
Hello all and everyone, Fernando, staunch midfielder and party man, is coming to Chengdu from August 10th to August 24th '06 and should be turning up to play for the Shambles again. Big shame Big Norm is leaving - it is not half as much fun scoring own goals against other goalkeepers. Let's hope a lot of us make it to the pub on Sunday, just to make sure he is actually leaving, ha ha! Jon Newsham was back recently, and it was great to see him giving some no-nonsense treatment to the opposition, and Franz has returned, nauseatingly tanned and chilled, too. OK, it's good to see him, too. It's nice that people come back to the warm and welcoming bosom of the Shambles when they are back in town. As long as they don't drink much of the free beer, we don't mind too much. Also substantial thanks to Mr Wheeler for getting people to go along to the Chengdu Blades. I thought we were sending a technical coaching team, but it seems our guys are just on a scouting mission. We're lucky to have a guy in the club who (a) has a van (b) can drive without killing the passengers, bystanders, or road transport officials (c) is willing to ferry us ungrateful louts around (d) has a calm and relaxed on-field temperament [***delete as appropriate***]. Oh, and thanks to my landlady - she treats our cats nicely.


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