

Forget the World Cup, the Shamblathon (-g?) is coming up.

Posted by Mark Allen on May 07 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
The team captains have been chosen. We have SH and Kaleb as captain and vice-captain, respectively for one team, and Mark Allen as the captain of the second team. The decision was to make an "A" team and a "B" team with the captains choosing from a pool of players. If you wish to play in the tournament on Saturday May 20 (all day), then tell Peter or Mark Allen. Do it as soon as possible, like right now, if you can. You MUST be a PAID-UP member to participate. Becoming a paid-up member involves paying the membership fee to Peter or Mark A. If you wish to join and have not paid your dues, see Mark Allen or Peter. To take part in the tournament, you need to supply the following details: Full name, passport number, job title. These are for insurance purposes. The teams at the tournament are Shambles A Team Shambles B Team Silver Ferns - Nat's team Police Nepalese Student Doctors Sichuan Foreign Students Fox's School Teachers Fox's School Students


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