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01/29/06 - Great Game...Disappointing Outcome...

Posted by Tammy Mummert on Jan 28 2006 at 04:00PM PST
The Bears played an awesome game vs. Walsh Jesuit today...so awesome that it went into overtime when the score was tied 2-2 at the end of the third period. The whole game kept you on the edge of your seat...lots of action...lots of passing...lots of hockey...Bears, you should be proud of the game you played today! Walsh Jesuit wound up scoring in overtime, resulting in a league loss for the Bears. The Bears, however, will still receive a point in their totals for the league due to finishing the three periods in a tie per the North Coast High School Hockey League bylaws. The Bears will finish their league season next weekend, playing Rocky River on Saturday and PUMA on Sunday. Good luck, Bears!


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