

Opening Game - Astros vs Pirates

Posted by Frederick Chan on Sep 07 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
In the season opener for Kyle Chapman's 13-14 year old division, the visiting Pirates took on the home-team Astros. The final scores were Astros 5 and Pirates 4. In the first inning, the Pirates scored after Wendt walked and was sent home on Hibbert's double. Hibbert stole home on a passed ball. The Astros scored in the bottom of the first when Ross Chan walked, stole second, advanced to third on Colin Bear's single. Grant Haynes hit a single. Dylan Hickey hit into a double play, but got the first RBI of the game for the 'Stros. At the end of 1, the score was Pirates 2, Astros 1. In the second and third innings, no runs were scored, but the Astros' pitcher Grant Haynes, with help from his defense got the Pirates out 1, 2, 3. The Astros, unfortunately had runners in scoring position several times, but did not score. Luis Goldstein hit a single to start the second inning. Chris Minifee hit a solid double, but Luis was called out in a close play at third. Tyler Keever had a long fly to right that was caught. In the third inning, Timothy Maher hit a bloop single into shallow center. He advanced to second on an error by the Pirate first baseman who overthrew the pitcher after a pick-off attempt. Darwin Zelaya walked. Both Timothy and Darwin advanced a base on a wild pitch and were left stranded. In the top of the fourth inning, Trey Hibbert led off with a double. There were then two quick outs after Hibbert that allowed him to advance to third. Robinson walked and stole second with no attempt made by the catcher. Loren Dean had a nice single which scored Hibbert. Oliver Huang hit a long single scoring Robinson. Dean was out trying to double-advance on Huang's hit to center. Middle of the fourth and the score is Pirates 4, Astros 1. [Not looking too good!] In the bottom of the fourth, the Astros knew what they needed and went after it. Colin Bear led off the inning with a long fly ball to center field. Grant was second up and hit a double. Dylan Hickey was hit by a pitch while Grant was trying to steal third, so Grant was sent back to second and Dylan was awarded first. We have one out, with men on first and second. Grant and Dylan pull off a double-steal. Grant scores on a wild pitch and Dylan moves to third. Aaron Dushkin walks and then steals second with no attempt by the catcher. Luis hits the ball sharply to the shortstop scoring Dylan and Aaron and advancing to second on an overthrow by the shortstop. Chris Minifee hits a dribbler to the first baseman and although he is out, it allows Luis to score because he had reached third on a wild pitch. Tyler Keever then hits a long fly to center and is out at second trying to stretch it into a double (at coach's instructions). End of the fourth and the Astros are now ahead, 5-4. Top of the fifth. Two quick strike outs. Zelaya walks and advances to second and then to third on 2 consecutive passed balls. Wendt walks and moves to second on a steal with no attempt made by the catcher. Vlaskamp is up to bat with a 1-2 count. The next pitch is a passed ball. Astros relief pitcher Chris Minifee covers home and tags Zelaya out at a close play at home. No Pirate runs, but a few minutes remain on the clock. The Astros have to bat. Fletcher Wiggin and Brian Barker are out quickly. Timothy Maher is safe at first on a throw from the shortstop which pulled the first baseman off the bag. Brett hits a single. Men on first and second. Darwin is up to bat. Timothy advances on a throwing error by the Pirates' catcher trying to pick him off at second. Men on first and third. Just over a minute remaining. Darwin receives a walk. Bases loaded. Less than half a minute remains. Ross Chan comes up to bat. Two pitches and time runs out. Game 1: 5 runs on 6 hits with no errors and 5 left on base Grant pitched 3 innings, 2 runs, 5 Ks, 1BB Chris pitched 2 innings, 2 runs, 2 Ks, 3 BB The Astros win their season opener in a tough-fought and well-played game. Next game for the Astros is Tuesday night at 8:00. Come see us play. Wriiten by Pam Keever


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