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The Opening Day Parade is March 3rd.

Posted by Dennis Kane on Feb 03 2007 at 04:00PM PST

Please have your teams lined up by 8:45am at the staging area by the Shade Hotel behind their divisional banner. The parade starts at 9:00am. Signs will be posted to indicate where your team should line up. The parade will start a block east of City Hall and End at American Martyrs Field. Opening Ceremonies will also be held at American Martyrs.

Make sure that all players have been informed to be in full uniform (cleats and gloves are not needed for the parade.)

Please keep the number of adults marching in the parade to a minimum. There is nothing like the spectacle of over 100 little league teams marching in their colorful uniforms. Often the children are hidden by the number of parents marching with the parents. Parents are encouraged to watch from the sidewalk as it is much more fun for children to spot you along the route cheering for them, than to have you marching with them. Parents should be the ultimate judge if their child can march without a parent along. We just ask that parents keep in mind the spirit of the parade when making this decision. Don't forget your camera!


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