

2004 Board Elected

Posted by Jim Allen on Jul 28 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
On Tuesday, July 29, the NMBOLL continued its growth by electing a 26-person Board of Directors. The Board met immediately after the election, and elected the following officers: President: Jim Allen Vice President of Baseball: Leon Egozi Vice President of Administration: Loretta Mufson Secretary: Laura Haber Treasurer: Alan Wolfson Player Agent: Greg Thomas Deputy Player Agent (rookies) Zena Gruda League Information Officer: Aaron Groffman Safety Officer: Russell Karr Director/Umpires: Adrian Irwin Director/Scheduling: Stephanie Kienzle Director/Player and Coach Development: Brian Adams Director/Equipment and Uniforms: Abel Mercado Director/Special Events: Saralyn Nemser Director/Sponsorships: Walter Reynoso Director/Public Relations: Mona Heisler Director/Fund Raising: Ellie Bates Director/Government Liaison: Kevin Rafferty Other Directors: Ruben Coto, Rob Moskovitz, Clu Saulan, Shawn Sherwood, George Vallejo, Gary Heldenmuth, Virgilio Rosario, and Cheryl Semeah Even with our larger board, the League definitely still needs more people to step up to the plate--especially parents of the younger children. Many of the present Board have kids who are in Majors and up; if we want this league to continue to flourish, you parents of Rookie League and Minors Junior are going to HAVE to participate. We will be calling on you to assist in the many activities in the best Little League in Florida!


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