

Blazers Lose Battle To GPS!

Posted by Bruce Peck on Feb 21 2003 at 04:00PM PST
The Blazers played hard but lost for the second time to rival Grosse Pointe South. The final score was 4-2 and the second period was once again the Blazer's downfall. Senior Sara Sharp began the scoring for Ladywood with and assist from junior Mary Beth O'Dea. South then put in two goals before the period ended for a 2-1 lead. Penalties in the second period were costly for the Blazers. Four penalties in the period and one 5-3 situation took its toll. It was a great team effort that killed off the penalties, but it left the Blazers worn out as South was able to score twice before the period ended. Ladywood played inspired hockey in the third and junior Mary Beth O'Dea managed to get one goal to narrow the gap, but the game would end with a hard fought 4-2 defeat.


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