


Use of Subs/Illegal Players

Posted by Kelly Ross on Nov 12 2003 at 04:00PM PST in 2018-19
The Hockey Committee has become aware of a recent situation in which a team used in a League game a player who was not on their roster. Not only is this contrary to the League rules, but since the player had not signed the waiver forms, paid the City or League fees, or joined USA Hockey, there could have been severe legal implications if any player or referee had been injured during the game. The captains and the Hockey Committee spent a great deal of time at the beginning of the season in balancing the teams, and the process continues through the end of December. It is understood that if a player is injured, ill, traveling on business or vacation, and misses a few games, this will put his team at a disadvantage, but that is the nature of adult hockey, and the team cannot simply pick up a new player to fill in for those games. If a player is out for the season, the team can put that player on the Injured Reserve list and the League will replace that player with one of similar ability. Only players on the team roster as shown on the website are eligible to play in League games. The only exception to this is that a team whose goalie cannot attend may use any other team’s goalie as a substitute. Goalies who are not on a team roster may be used as substitutes only with the permission of the Hockey Committee. If a team violates the above rule, all games in which the illegal player is used will be forfeited. If a team persists in using illegal players, that team can be expelled from the League. THE HOCKEY COMMITTEE image


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