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2009-10 Rules

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 30, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Revisions shown in boldface  

1.  The league is open to any player who is at least 22 years old as of December 31, 2009, and is not a "D" player, as determined in the sole discretion of the hockey committee. 

2.  The league will have two divisions with a total of from 10 to 12 teams, each with up to 13  skaters and one or two goalies.  The objective is to maximize competition, and the Hockey Committee may transfer players between teams to equalize the talent. 

3.  Except as provided below, USA Hockey non-checking rules apply. 

4. A player who receives a third penalty (major or minor, exclusive of bench or equipment penalties) in a game will receive at that time a 10-minute misconduct penalty.  If that player receives a fourth penalty in the game, he will receive a game misconduct.  The scorer will inform the referee and both captains when any player receives his third and fourth penalties.  If the referee determines that an opposing player goaded a player into taking a third or fourth penalty, the opposing player can be assessed an unsportsmanlike minor, major or game misconduct, depending upon the severity of the goading. 

5. A team that receives a tenth, eleventh or twelfth penalty (major or minor, excluding bench or equipment penalties) in a game will be penalized with a penalty shot in addition to the normal penalty, and if a team receives a thirteenth penalty it will forfeit the game. Any player eligible to be on the ice on the non-offending team may take the penalty shot. For purposes of the above sentence, if the tenth or later penalty is a coincidental minor, it is not counted. The scorer will inform the referee and both captains when a team receives its eighth, ninth, tenth and later penalties.  

6.  Any  player  receiving  a  game misconduct will be ineligible for his team's next game as well.  The second game misconduct of a season will result in disqualification for the next six games.  The third game misconduct of a season will result in disqualification for the balance of the season.  A fighting penalty is an automatic game misconduct. Any disqualification for one or six games carries over into the playoffs and into the next season, as necessary for the full disqualification to be served.  A disqualification for the balance of the season will be reviewed by the Hockey Committee and may be grounds for further disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the League.           Any player who becomes excessively abusive to the officials or to other players, or whose behavior is determined by the Hockey Committee to be excessively detrimental to the League, whether through physical acts, verbal threats or otherwise may be immediately dropped from the league, with no refund of fees.  At the sole option of the Hockey Committee, such player may be given one warning prior to being dropped from the League.  Past history shall be taken into account by the Hockey Committee in making this determination. 

7.  If more than one player on a team is subject to a 1-game or 6-game suspension under Rule 6, the players involved will serve their suspensions as follows:          

First two players – suspended for the games immediately following the disqualification.           Additional players – suspended for the succeeding games as early as possible, but staggered so that the team has no more than two players suspended for any game.  The suspensions served in the order in which they appear on the scoresheet, except that any 6-game suspension will be served before any 1-game suspension. 

8.  The scheduled start time for all games is 10 minutes after the scheduled ice time.  To start a game, a team must have five skaters and a goalie or an additional skater on the ice.    If a team’s goalie arrives after the scheduled start time, he may have a two-minute warm-up but his team then forfeits their time out for that game. 

9.  The center red line will be ignored for all purposes. Two-line passes are allowed.  However, a pass from behind the defensive blue line which crosses the opponent's goal line is subject to being called icing. 

10.  The tag-up offside rule is in effect.  If all offensive players clear the offensive zone at the same time, they can go back into the offensive zone even if the puck has not been cleared out.

 11.  All players in a given position (e.g., defense, forwards) should play the same number of shifts in a game, to the extent possible.  No player should double shift if another player has been sitting more than one shift.  Note-- during the last five minutes of a game if the score is within two goals, the team captain has total discretion as to who plays and for how long.  Violations of this policy should be taken up with your team captain, and if he cannot resolve the problem the hockey committee should be notified.   

12.  If a player does not show up (regardless of the reason) for more than three games prior to December 31, 2009, he may be dropped from the roster upon request of the team captain and at the discretion of the hockey committee.  The refund of fees to the City is a matter between the player and the City;  the refund of league fees is at the total discretion of the Hockey Committee.  A player dropped from the roster is treated as a new player for the next season and must go back into the draft rather than rejoining his old team.  No player may be dropped after December 31, 2009.  See, however, rules 30 and 31 re injured players. 

13.  If a team drops a player (see rule 12), that team may request a substitute player (of similar ability).  The Hockey Committee has total discretion of whether to place a substitute player on a team, and will take into account the desire to balance the relative abilities of the teams. No substitute player may be added to a team after December 31, 2009. 

14.  The  league  will purchase uniform mesh jerseys to be worn by each team.   No  player  will  be  permitted  to  play with a jersey that is not the same color as the official jersey.   Each  player  must  wear  an approved hockey helmet (with some type of chin strap) and at least a half shield face mask attached to the helmet at all times. 

15.  All three periods of the game will be 15 minutes stop time.  If one team attains a lead of 10 goals at any time, the remainder of the game will be running time, unless the lead is reduced to 7 goals, at which time stop time will go back into effect.   Other than the preceding sentence, there is no mercy rule in effect, and all games will be played to completion.  

16.  Minor penalties assessed during stop time play are two (2) minutes in length.  Minor penalties assessed during running time are three (3) minutes in length. 

17.  The league will supply two referees and a scorekeeper for each game;  the home team is responsible for paying the referees $45 each and the scorekeeper $25 prior to the start of the game.  18.  If a captain wishes to question a referee's decision on the application of a rule, the captain may call his team's time out prior to the next face-off after the questionable decision.  At this point the referee will look up the rule and, if necessary, correct the decision.  The referee's decision is final and not subject to any appeal.  A judgment call may not be questioned.  Once the referee has signed the scoresheet after a game, that game is final, and no protest of any kind is allowed.   

19.   During the regular season, if  the  score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game will end as a tie. 

20.  Any goalie on the roster of any team in the same division can be a substitute goalie for a team whose goalie is unable to play for legitimate reasons.  In addition, the Hockey Committee will post a listing of official substitute goalies who may be used as substitutes.  No other goalie can be used as a substitute without the prior written permission of the Hockey Committee.  Violation of this rule will result in the forfeit of any game in which the unauthorized substitute goalie was used. 

21.  All teams qualify for the playoffs, with placement based upon regular season record. The determination of record is based on total points (win=2, tie=1).  In case two teams are tied in total points, the tiebreakers are, in order: Head-to-head won-loss record,  Head-to-head total goals, Total goals scored against all teams for the year, Total goals scored minus total goals allowed against all teams for the year, Total games won against all teams for the year, and Coin toss.  In the event of ties among three or more teams, the USA Hockey tournament tiebreaker rules will be applied. 

22.  The preliminary rounds of the playoffs will be either a best-of-three playoff among the top four teams, or a round robin, double elimination tournament among all  teams. 

23.  The two winning teams from each division in the preliminary playoff rounds play a best-of-three championship series. 

24.  During the playoffs, if a game is tied at the end of three periods, the teams will play sudden-death overtime periods of 15 minutes each, with the first team to score winning the game.  

25.  The rink officials will make two locker rooms available each game;  the home team will use the higher-numbered room and the visiting team the lower-numbered room. 

26.   Only the captain or alternate is permitted to discuss an official’s decision with the officials.  If a player, other than the captain or alternate, complains about a call to an official, the official is to issue the player a warning.  If the player continues to complain, the official will assess that player a 5-minute or 10-minute misconduct penalty, depending upon the severity of the offense.  See also Rule 6, which may apply if the complaining is loud, profane, or continues after a warning is received.  

27.  The captain or alternate is permitted to discuss a decision with an official for a reasonable period of time, generally for one minute or less, provided the discussion is conducted in a respectful manner.  If the captain or alternate verbally attacks the official, the discussion is over, and the penalties set forth in rule 26 will apply. See also Rule 6, which may apply if the complaining is loud, profane, or continues beyond a reasonable period.  

28.  CHSHL intends that the officials apply the above policy reasonably and fairly, but the officials are instructed to apply these penalties to any and all players and captains who verbally abuse an official. 

29.  Physical abuse of an official is never tolerated and will result in at least a suspension for the balance of the season, as well as possible further suspensions as may be deemed appropriate by the Hockey Committee and the Recreation Director.  In addition, legal proceedings may result against the player. 

30.  If a player on the roster of a team becomes seriously injured, ill, or otherwise incapacitated as of the start of the season or at any time through December 31, 2009, and it is expected he/she will not be able to play for the remainder of the season, the team captain may designate that player to be on the Injured Reserve List.  This player may be replaced with a substitute player selected by the Hockey Committee for the remainder of the season, and the player on the IR list remains on the roster of that team at the start of the next season unless that player is still unable to play for the next season.  The substitute player does NOT remain on the roster for the next season unless the injured player is still unable to play.  Payment/refund of fees by the IR player and the substitute is at the discretion of the Hockey Committee. A team may have no more than two IR players per season. 

31.  If a player on the roster of a team becomes seriously injured, ill, or otherwise incapacitated at any time during the regular season prior to December 31, 2009, the team captain may designate that player to be on the 6-game Disabled List.  This player may be replaced with a substitute player of the same skill level, as designated by the Hockey Committee.  The player on the Disabled List may not play again until his/her team has played at least six games from the time he/she is placed on the List.  Once the disabled player is ready to return to active status, the captain must notify the Hockey Committee, and the substitute player may no longer play for that team.   No substitute player is permitted to play after December 31, 2009.

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Game time change

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 27, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Please note that the Teal vs Gray game on 10/5 has been changed to 9:30 PM.

I just received the schedules thru December and they will be going up over the next couple days.

 Aerni, Dan
 Alix, Denis
 Baxter, Bill (G)
 Belaj, Matthew
 Atkinson, Mike
 Bauman, Mike
 Belkin, Boris
 Cohen, Ryan
 Brennan, Bill
 Bradley, Brian  Babcock, Eddie
 Bauman, Pat
 Cardinale, Paul
 Dougherty, James
 Brokaw, Tim
 Bulk, Jacob  Bontempo, Joe
 Bleick, Carl
 Cogan, Jamie
 Gouin, Bernard
 Collins, Sean  Davidson, Robert  Burdo, David
 Burkons, Dan
 Jeffrey, Mike
 Grim, Geoff
 Connolly, Joe
 Feeback, Kevin
 Chapman, Kevin
 Cherney, Stephen
 Kramer, Pat  Mayhugh, Ryan
 George, Don
 Fetsko  Drawz, Paul
 Cort, Jason
 London, Mike
 Mears, Rich  Gilliam, Dan
 Forker, Dave
 Gaskins, Jerrald
 Fuente, Al
 MacKinlay, Rob
 Montlack, Kirt  Nolan, Chris
Gascoinone, Tim
 McCann, Al
 Hadden, Ken
 McKito, Paul
 Riolo, Ted  Nolan, Evan  Hallums, Jason (G)
 Meegan, Chris  Hanlon, Michael
 McNevan, Scott  Turner, Doug
 Rossbach, Rob  Kroll, Michael
 Osmitz, Jeffrey  Hoyen, Alex
Nastasi, Ryan
   Slifko, Doug
 Oliver, Dave
 Roberts, Joe
 Ressler, Adam
 Perdue, Joe
   Turner, Mark  Skingle, Ron
 Widing, Joe
 Schlipp, Ted (G)
 Trem, Len
   Wheeler, Brad
 Weinkamer, Brian
 Guenther, Todd
 Shriver, Pete
 Zadnik, Gerry (G)
   Wyse, Caleb   Peter (G)
 Wright, David
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Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 10, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

A Division Schedule (first 2 weeks)

Time Home
 9/14/09  South  10:45 PM
 Tuesday  9/15/09  South  10:00 PM
 Thursday  9/17/09  South  10:45 PM
 Monday  9/21/09  South  10:45 PM
 Tuesday  9/22/09  South  10:00 PM
 Thursday  9/24/09  South  10:00 PM


 B Division Schedule (first 2 weeks)

 Date  Rink  Time
 Wednesday  9/16/09  South  10:00 PM
 Sunday  9/20/09  South  8:30 PM
 Sunday  9/20/09  South  10:15 PM
 Wednesday  9/23/09  South  10:00 PM


 Adams, Tom  Arbuckle, Blair
 Bartz, Andy
 Amolsch, Kevin
 Cook, Mike
 Auerbach, Irv
 Arts, Eric
 Blimbaum, Gordon
 Carr, Ray
 Degross, Brian
 Bertram, Mathew
 Bick, Christopher  Brown, Stephen
 Grossman-McKee, Doug
 Eagan, Tim
 Brandt, Chris
 Healy, Lisa  Como, John
 Heyka, Josh
 Edwards, Rob
 Dana, Marcus
 Healy, Paul  Davis, Jason  Horrigan, Jack
 Haas, Daniel
 Izen, Steve
 Ignasiak, Kevin
 Hall, Steve  Lee, Scott
 Hall, Phil
 Kessler, Daniel  Kaiser, Peter
 Kohr, Carl  Lingas, Karen
 Immonen, Pekka
 Meyerhoefer, Trent  Matthews, Adam  McKeon, Mike
 Moore, Jim  Immonen, Taina
 Naherny, Gary  Ralston, Griff
 Sears, Jon
 Russell, Todd
 Lewis, Frank
 Ogger, John
 Rosenbaum, David  Seigel, Dave
 Sharon, Michael  Loftus, Amy
 Pierce, Michael
 Teodecki, Ron  Vrabec, Tina
 Stevens, Glen
 Rice, Chaz
 Spremulli, Rian   Tomann, Paul  Wood, John  Warshawsky, Bob
 Ross, Kelly
 Sullivan, Joe
   Wainwright, Jesse
 Warshawsky, Steve
 Spaeth, Sharon
 Kinczel, Erik (G)
   Theiss, Frank (G)
 McFarlane, Mike (G)  Ku, Tommy (G) ?





