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Fall 2004 End-of-Season Categorical Leaders -- Tuesday Men's D-Red

Posted by Vernon Amaro on Nov 24 2004 at 04:00PM PST
Some Bragging Rights From Our 2004 Visalia City League Campaign!!!

At the end of each league season, some recognition is always given to those individuals who contributed to the team in some way. The following categories -- most real, some intended for a few laughs -- are mostly from the offensive part of softball; some are just plain offensive! (Have a little sense of humor, guys! Don't get defensive. Get it -- "defensive"! Oh, never mind....) So, for what it's worth, here we go:

Visalia City League, Tuesday Night, fall 2004
8-1 record: 1st place!!! (trophy)


Most Plate Appearances: Frank Fletcher (38)

Most At-Bats: Rich Avery (36)

Most Runs: Frank Fletcher (21)

Most Singles: Vern Amaro (19)

Most Doubles: Lee Garcia (5)

Most Triples: Frank Fletcher, Lee Garcia, Adam Goltz, Manuel Romeiro (tie, 2)

Most Home Runs: Art Tabacco (2)

Most RBIs: Rich Avery (16)

Most Walks: Frank Fletcher (6)

Most Sacrifices: Donny Aguiar (2)

Highest On-Base Percentage: Frank Fletcher (.684)

Highest Slugging Percentage: Manuel Romeiro (.882)

Highest Batting Average: Frank Fletcher (.645)

Most Hits: Vern Amaro, Frank Fletcher (20)

Most Single-Game Points: Kurt Chambers (23)

Most Offensive Points: Frank Fletcher (112)


Most Put-Outs: Manuel Romeiro (25)

Most Assists: Lee Garcia, Art Tabacco (21)

Most Errors: Art Tabacco, Nelson Vieira (7)

Highest Fielding Percentage (infield): Vern Amaro (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (outfield): Donny Aguiar (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (utility): Rich Avery (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Most Defensive Points: Lee Garcia (24 -- 5 put-out pts. plus 21 assist pts. minus 2 error pts.) (Reminder: +1 point for a put-out, +1 point for an assist, -2 points for each error. In other words, errors "take away" from your overall offensive/defensive effort!)

All of which leads to, if the above stats were used primarily in making our choices...

Most Valuable Player (Visalia City League, Tuesday Night, fall 2004): Lee Garcia (34 total points; by team ballot vote)

And for our "special" categories...

Most Non-Appearances (regular members): Wes Avery (5) (Donny, Kurt, Manuel and Nelson were a close second, tied with 3; Adam, Gene, and Art took third, tied with 2. Some others also were considered, even though their physical bodies actually made it to the games!)

Perfect Attendance (regular members): Vern Amaro, Rich Avery, Frank Fletcher, Lee Garcia, and, of course, our team statistician/photographer, Jerry Amaro (All 9 games; gold stars to all of you!)

Most Memorable Performance: Art Tabacco (During our final game, Art decided to utilize a little-used offensive tactic -- which the initiated have termed "delayed-run response" -- to momentarily confuse the other team's defense in the midst of a double play opportunity he was caught in. Performed to near-perfection, Art momentarily caused an almost surreal, suspended-animation reaction to his seeming disregard for getting to first base after he grounded to the infield, leaving the atmosphere around Plaza 1 eerily expectant and hushed. Obviously borrowed from an intense study of the "Matrix" trilogy, this exacting mind-body discipline was carried out in a near seamless fashion, even as Art started seemingly to carry his bat back towards the dugout. Then, in what can only be described as an unnatural burst of inhuman speed in the opposite direction towards first base, Art made his bold move. But, unbeknownst to those witnessing the scene, Wackos had a couple of "agents" on their team and handily thwarted his bid. The present lingering image of Art's distorted face as he turned around to face his Heavy Metal brethren -- a picture of torn emotions frozen in time -- pretty much, in my opinion, sealed his nomination for this category. From now on, our team will forever honor his selfless action by giving him the name "Neo" from this day forward -- or should it be "Keanu"! In the name of fun, Art, I hope you got a laugh from my imaginative meandering here. If not, then I guess there is no hope for mankind. But -- alas -- there is another....)      

Greatest Increase in Batting Average from Last League (Tulare, 2004; minimum 5 games): Art Tabacco (+.222, from .320 to .542) (Every player but one -- not to be mentioned here -- was eligible for this recognition. A very welcome sign!)

Biggest "Plunge" in Batting Average from Last League (Tulare, 2004; minimum 5 games): Kurt Chambers (-.014, from .469 to .455) (Can I say it now? He's the one! He's the one! But if that's the only "plunge" on the whole team, then I can say I'm quite satisfied with our whole team's effort this campaign!)

Best Player Quote: "Hotter than a pig's ass!" (very astute game assessment made by Kurt Chambers -- don't ask me where he comes up with these "good ol' boy" analogies!)   

Best Acting Performance by a Player/Manager: Drum roll, please...Vern Amaro!!! (3rd time in a row! A three-peat! Amazing! This is for impersonating, once again, the second baseman/shortstop/catcher -- and spokesperson -- of a pretty darn-good softball team! By the way, were there any other eligible candidates on the team?)

Heavy Metal Softball rocks!!! First place! You've been a great bunch of guys to play side-by-side with, men! All kidding aside, I was really proud of our efforts, most especially the consistent team attitude displayed. I tip my cap off to all of you, as I know some of you come to play despite conflicting personal schedules, various aches and pains, balancing family and friends, and putting up with my managerial decisions. Y'all ready for more in the spring Tulare league? I'll see what I can stir up and let you know at a later date. Have a nice winter time-off from the team, stay hungry if playing other sports, and keep some future tournaments in mind as we rest our bats and put away our gloves for Heavy Metal Softball...for awhile! In the meantime...keep rockin', guys!


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