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MVP Ballot Results for Visalia's Fall 2004 Men's D-Red League

Posted by Vernon Amaro on Dec 19 2004 at 04:00PM PST
Gentlemen (And Ladies!), The Winner Is...!!!

Finally, here are the results, in short summary, of the MVP balloting that took place recently in which most of you participated. A special thanks to all who voted by replying to my repeated e-mail messages (remember, tournament MVPs will still be selected using our time-honored offensive points system). Fourteen Heavy Metal Softball regular members were eligible to vote this time, having participated in the Visalia City, Men's D-Red, fall 2004 league. In order of highest cumulative point total, with adjoining number of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place votes, here is this league's MVP and the rest of the worthy contenders:

League MVP: Lee Garcia (34 total points -- 5 first place votes, 3 second place votes. Excellent cheer for the long, cold holidays, buddy!!!)

1st Runner-Up: Frank Fletcher (30 total points -- 4 first place votes, 3 second place votes, 1 third place vote. Great offensive stats, as always, big guy!)

2nd Runner-Up: Adam Goltz, Vern Amaro (13 total points, tie -- Adam: 1 first place vote, 2 second place votes, 2 third place votes; Vern: 3 second place votes, 4 third place votes. Great league effort, Adam! To those who voted for me -- thanks!)

3rd Runner-Up: Art Tabacco (11 total points -- 2 first place votes, 1 third place vote. Another great league effort -- simply "a work of Art"!)

4th Runner-Up: Rich Avery (6 total points -- 1 second place vote, 3 third place votes. Your enthusiasm was contagious, Utility Man!)

5th Runner-Up: Nelson Vieira (1 total point -- 1 third place vote. A fine job, despite juggling playing and umpiring!)

In the interest of integrity and not wanting to violate any trust, I kept meticulous records of all the oral and online ballots that I received from the 12 regular members who decided to vote. Despite repeated reminders and for reasons of his own, Wes Avery did not give me any response and, thus, did not affect any of the above results, though he remained eligible to receive MVP votes and have them posted. Roy Aguayo declined to vote, stating he felt that he did not play enough games to make a fair decision. Cruz Onsurez, Mike Lujan, and Anthony Sousa -- all of whom helped fill in a game or two (thanks, guys!) -- were technically eligible to receive MVP votes and have them posted, but they were not asked to vote. Once again, let these be some words of warning: Rule #1 -- If a player decides not to participate in the balloting to determine our league MVP, he will remain unqualified to receive this honor, despite perhaps receiving the most cumulative points (the honor will be bestowed upon the next eligible player in line). This rule has been instituted to enforce fairness with the outcome of the voting -- in other words, as you give, so shall you receive. Two other rules also affect a player's MVP eligibility: Rule #2 -- At least half the games of a league/tournament must be played; and Rule #3 -- The agreed-upon league/tournament participation fee must be paid. I'm sure everyone can see the need for such rules. I, myself, voted for who I thought were three deserving men. Because I am the ballot collector and, also, because the results could possibly hinge upon my final selections, I always believe it is wise to make clear my own personal choices for MVP, hopefully without offending any of my other close friends on the team, who already know that only three choices can be given. My votes, in order, were: Frank Fletcher (1st place vote); Lee Garcia (2nd place vote); and Art Tabacco (3rd place vote). I will not give any specific reasons for my choices (none of us have to), but I will say that I really appreciated these men for the contributions they made during this league. In all actuality, everyone on this team is deemed valuable, both on and off the field. I hope all of you will understand this personal feeling of mine, and why I have such a difficult time revealing my selections. But I feel I must. No other selections from specific team members will be revealed unless one of you is curious and wants to inquire, in which case, I'll gladly let you know. And to the seven people who gave me consideration this time around, once more, a sincere thanks to all of you.

As I have mentioned a time or two before, I would really like to promote even more team spirit within the ranks of our regular members at the start of next year's spring season. "Things Will Be Extremely Alive in 2005!" is what I have been saying. I don't have any new ideas at present, but, in retrospect, the perpetual MVP plaque, our "Circle of Honor" award, was eventually unveiled at our initial team meeting back on February 29th, bearing the names of past recipients, and is to be kept in the current MVP's home until another deserving player is selected (enjoy the 1st place trophy, also, Lee -- it's yours to keep!) Also, Heavy Metal Softball's fence banner eventually graced our dugout at every opportunity during the October Bash tournament and the just-completed fall Visalia league, letting others know boldly who we are and to take notice of what we stand for -- team spirit, first and always, followed by hard play and sportsmanship. Not to be left off the list, the "O-fer" shirt was a good source of well-intentioned laughs throughout the year -- stress-release being a necessity on any hard-playing team. And finally, our first-rate Heavy Metal Softball website kept everyone abreast of the latest news and team activity, as well as continuing to show team and individual player pride. I hope the above-mentioned "spirit" list was a source of good-feeling for everyone, as I know they were for me. With all this said, please pay attention to your future e-mail for news concerning next year's spring Tulare league and more than just a tournament or two. After conferring with Nelson and Rich sometime in the near future, I hope to play a tournament at least once a month, or at least one every two months. Stay tuned! And lastly, I sincerely wish all of you a wonderful holiday season with family and friends -- may you get a long, narrow, 34-inch package under the tree!

And that's a wrap (Christmas, that is!) for now, folks....


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