

MVP Ballot Results for Tulare's Spring 2006 Wednesday Night League

Posted by Vernon Amaro on Jul 16 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
Gentlemen (And Ladies!), The Winner Is...!!!

Finally, here are the results, in short summary, of the MVP balloting that took place recently in which all of you participated. A special thanks to everyone who voted by replying to my repeated e-mail messages (remember, tournament MVPs will still be selected using our time-honored offensive points system). Sixteen Heavy Metal Softball regular members were eligible to vote this time, having participated in the Tulare City, Wednesday Night, spring 2006 league. In order of highest cumulative point total, with adjoining number of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place votes, here is this league's MVP and the rest of the worthy contenders:

League MVP: Paul Lawrence (31 total points -- 3 first place votes, 5 second place votes, 1 third place vote. Great offensive/defensive effort!)

1st Runner-Up: Nelson Vieira (30 total points -- 6 first place votes. Your effort is always really appreciated!)

2nd Runner-Up: Donny Aguiar (18 total points -- 2 first place votes, 1 second place vote, 5 third place votes. Your all-around team effort and attitude always puts you in contention, good buddy!)

3rd Runner-Up: Frank Fletcher (17 total points -- 2 first place votes, 2 second place votes, 1 third place vote. Take a bow!)

4th Runner-Up: Art Tabacco (12 total points -- 3 second place votes, 3 third place votes. Good job!)

5th Runner-Up: Mike Lujan (9 total points -- 3 second place votes. You da man!)

6th Runner-Up: Steve Stafford (6 total points -- 1 first place vote, 1 third place vote. Always showing how the veterans do it!)

7th Runner-Up: Vern Amaro, Lee Garcia, Matt Soares (1 total point, tie -- All three, obviously, had 1 third place vote. Must be Feeling Sorry for Old Managers Day! To the person who voted for me -- thanks!)

In the interest of integrity and not wanting to violate any trust, I kept meticulous records of all the oral and online ballots that I received from the 14 regular members who decided to vote. As it turned out, this was one of the tightest league MVP races we've ever had. Rich Avery was asked to vote because he is a long-time member of Heavy Metal Softball (Council of Elders), and he would have remained technically eligible to receive MVP votes and have them posted-- even though he did not comply with all three rules of eligibility -- but he elected not to do so this time around. Johnny Lopez -- who helped fill in one game (thanks, buddy!) -- was also technically eligible to receive MVP votes and have them posted, but he was not asked to vote because of also not complying with the eligibility rules. Once again, let these be some words of warning: Rule #1 -- If a player decides not to participate in the balloting to determine our league MVP, he will remain unqualified to receive this honor, despite perhaps receiving the most cumulative points (the honor will be bestowed upon the next eligible player in line). This rule has been instituted to enforce fairness with the outcome of the voting -- in other words, as you give, so shall you receive. Two other rules also affect a player's MVP eligibility: Rule #2 -- At least half the games of a league/tournament must be played; and Rule #3 -- The agreed-upon league/tournament participation fee must be paid. I'm sure everyone can see the need for such rules. I, myself, voted for who I thought were three deserving men. Because I am the ballot collector and, also, because the results could possibly hinge upon my final selections, I always believe it is wise to make clear my own personal choices for MVP, hopefully without offending any of my other close friends on the team, who already know that only three choices can be given. My votes, in order, were: Nelson Vieira (1st place vote); Paul Lawrence (2nd place vote); and Art Tabacco (3rd place vote). I will not give any specific reasons for my choices (none of us have to), but I will say that I really appreciated these men for the contributions they made during this league. In all actuality, everyone on this team is deemed valuable, both on and off the field. I hope all of you will understand this personal feeling of mine, and why I have such a difficult time revealing my selections. But I feel I must. No other selections from specific team members will be revealed unless one of you is curious and wants to inquire, in which case, I'll gladly let you know. And to the singular person who gave me consideration this time around, once more, a sincere thanks to you.

And that's another league MVP wrap for now, folks....


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