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Spring 2005 End-of-Season Categorical Leaders -- Thursday Night

Posted by Vernon Amaro on May 29 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
Some Bragging Rights From Our 2005 Tulare City League Campaign!!!

At the end of each league season, some recognition is always given to those individuals who contributed to the team in some way. The following categories -- most real, some intended for a few laughs -- are mostly from the offensive part of softball; some are just plain offensive! (Have a little sense of humor, guys! Don't get defensive. Get it -- "defensive"! Oh, never mind....) So, for what it's worth, here we go:

Tulare City League, Thursday Night, spring 2005
6-2-2 record: 1st place!!! (championship shirts)


Most Plate Appearances: Gene Hitt (39)

Most At-Bats: Nelson Vieira (35)

Most Runs: Frank Fletcher (25)

Most Singles: Vern Amaro (16)

Most Doubles: Wes Avery (6)

Most Triples: Donny Aguiar, Vern Amaro, Lee Garcia, Art Tabacco (tie, 2)

Most Home Runs: Frank Fletcher, Lee Garcia, Art Tabacco (tie, 2)

Most RBIs: Wes Avery, Frank Fletcher (tie, 18)

Most Walks: Gene Hitt (6)

Most Sacrifices: Donny Aguiar, Rich Avery, Gene Hitt, Manuel Romeiro, Art Tabacco (tie, 2)

Highest On-Base Percentage: Mike Lujan (.786)

Highest Slugging Percentage: Lee Garcia (1.240)

Highest Batting Average: Mike Lujan (.769)

Most Hits: Frank Fletcher (23)

Most Single-Game Points: Frank Fletcher (28)

Most Offensive Points: Frank Fletcher (134)


Most Put-Outs: Gene Hitt (33)

Most Assists: Art Tabacco (26)

Most Errors: Art Tabacco (11)

Highest Fielding Percentage (infield): Lee Garcia (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (outfield): Adam Goltz (.952 -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (utility): Frank Fletcher (.846 -- "Gold Glove Award")

Most Defensive Points: Gene Hitt (32 -- 33 put-out pts. plus 3 assist pts. minus 4 error pts.) (Reminder: +1 point for a put-out, +1 point for an assist, -2 points for each error. In other words, errors "take away" from your overall offensive/defensive effort!)

All of which leads to, if the above stats were used primarily in making our choices...

Most Valuable Player (Tulare City League, Thursday Night, spring 2005): Frank Fletcher (37 total points; by team ballot vote)

And for our "special" categories...

Most Non-Appearances (regular members): Kurt Chambers (7) (Does anyone remember this guy? I wrote his name a few times near the beginning of the league season.... Adam was a close second, with 5; Lee took third, with 2. Some others also were considered, even though their physical bodies actually made it to the games!)

Perfect Attendance (regular members): Donny Aguiar, Vern Amaro, Rich Avery, Frank Fletcher, Gene Hitt, Art Tabacco, Nelson Vieira, and, of course, our team statistician/photographer, Jerry Amaro (All 10 games; gold stars to all of you!)

Most Memorable Performance: Lee Garcia (Before dealing with an abrupt change in job situation, Lee was batting .929 through the first four league games, going 13 for 14, with 4 singles, 5 doubles, 2 triples, 2 HRs, 10 RBIs, 5 runs, 3 bonus points (one 4/4 game), plus a fielding average of 1.000 (6 put-outs, 5 assists, 0 errors) for 72 total offensive/defensive points. All I can say is that I can't remember a more productive four-game stretch by anyone on this team in the 15 years it has been in existence. If he did not miss almost three complete games in the following six, I dare say he might have left quite a team mark to shoot for, far surpassing the team record for total points in a league campaign. I've always appreciated your efforts and contributions, good buddy -- how about trying to duplicate things during a ten-game Visalia fall league stretch! What do you say? Just try not to damage too many vehicles in the process!)      

Greatest Increase in Batting Average from Last League (Visalia, 2004; minimum 5 games): Vern Amaro (+.089, from .588 to .677) (Lee Garcia came in second with a +.081 increase -- good job, buddy!)

Biggest "Plunge" in Batting Average from Last League (Visalia, 2004; minimum 5 games): Adam Goltz (-.159, from .548 to .389) (Manuel Romeiro came in second with a -.081 decrease -- not quite enough to wrest the title from Adam, if that's really what you wanted!)

Best Player Quote: "Go say hello to 'Uncle' Art!" (Nelson Vieira to his son, Joshua, in a kidding gesture one night -- who knows, he could have psychic ability!)   

Best Acting Performance by a Player/Manager: Drum roll, please...Vern Amaro!!! (4th time in a row! A four-peat! Incredible! Can this person run the career table! This is for impersonating, once again, the second baseman/shortstop/catcher -- and spokesperson -- of a pretty darn-good softball team! By the way, were there any other eligible candidates on the team?)

"100 Points Plus Club" (New!): Vern Amaro (1994 T.C.L. 130 pts./1999 T.C.L. 109 pts./2001 T.C.L. 103 pts./2002 T.C.L. 140 pts./2003 T.C.L. 106 pts./2004 T.C.L. 110 pts./2005 T.C.L. 103 pts.); Rich Avery (2000 T.C.L. 129 pts./2004 V.C.L. 102 pts.); Wes Avery (2005 T.C.L. 129 pts.); Matt Beltran (1999 T.C.L. 104 pts.); Gordon Caudle (2000 T.C.L. 120 pts.); Kurt Chambers (2004 T.C.L. 100 pts.); Frank Fletcher (1994 T.C.L. 115 pts./1999 T.C.L. 169 pts. [record]/2000 T.C.L. 134 pts./2002 T.C.L. 146 pts./2003 T.C.L. 113 pts./2004 T.C.L. 111 pts./2004 V.C.L. 112 pts./2005 T.C.L. 134 pts.); Gene Hitt (1994 T.C.L. 108 pts./2000 T.C.L. 138 pts./2002 T.C.L. 121 pts./2005 T.C.L. 100 pts.); Rene Regalado (1999 T.C.L. 109 pts./2000 T.C.L. 120 pts.); John Souza (1994 T.C.L. 122 pts.); Nelson Vieira (2002 T.C.L. 114 pts./2004 T.C.L. 112 pts.)

Heavy Metal Softball rocks!!! First place! You've been a great bunch of guys to play side-by-side with, men! All kidding aside, I was really proud of our efforts, most especially the consistent team attitude displayed. I tip my cap off to all of you, as I know some of you come to play despite conflicting personal schedules, various aches and pains, balancing family and friends, and putting up with my managerial decisions. Y'all ready for more in the fall Visalia league? I'll see what I can stir up and let you know at a later date. In the meantime...keep rockin', guys!


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