

Writing, Inciting, Fighting

Posted by Dave Rea on Oct 10 2002 at 05:00PM PDT
From the GAZETTE: By Rick Noland, Assistant Sports Editor Gotta answer all my fan mail from supporters of Medina High football, so let's take a quick Rick-o-chet around the world of sports and get out of here: Part of me likes the idea of the Cavs returning to wine and gold, but if their new uniforms aren't designed properly, they'll become a bigger laughingstock around the NBA than they already are. ... Wait a minute. Can the Cavs become a bigger laughingstock? ... Latrell Sprewell just doesn't strike me as the yachting type. But if he saw me, I'm sure he would strike me, somehow. ... Think Butch Davis might have already known Kelly Holcomb couldn't play when he announced Tim Couch was still his starting quarterback? ... If Couch can't go because of his concussion, the Browns will have to make a Booty call. ... The next time William Green carries the ball will be too soon. ... I love to watch Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis knife his way through opposing blockers. ... Could ESPN's announcing crew on Sunday night football games possibly be any more annoying? ... How come women don't know how to use remote controls properly? You don't slowly go up and down the channels one by one, ladies. You rapidly jump all over the place searching for sports or skin. ... If I'm the St. Louis Cardinals, I throw my next pitch so close to Kenny Lofton's ear he will actually have something to complain about. ... By the way, ever notice how much braver Mr. Lofton gets once there are 50 people between him and the guy he's upset with? ... OK, I give up. What channels are the baseball games on this weekend? ... Wait a minute. It doesn't matter. No one's watching anyway. ... Seriously, how do you work up any love — or hatred — for any of the four teams left in the postseason? Heck, how do you work up any interest, period, for the teams left in the playoffs? ... Please tell me hockey season hasn't started already. ... If Ohio State is the fifth best Division I college football team in the country, the country's in trouble. ... Here's hoping the Black River and Buckeye football teams are both 8-1 when they meet in the 10th and final week of the regular season. ... Buckeye fans can breathe easy. I, the kiss of death, will pick the Pirates in The Gazette's weekly predictions. ... Speaking of those predictions, my picture is further to the right than Rush Limbaugh. If I drop much lower in the standings, my handsome mug will fall off the side of the page. ... Oh, one other thing before I go. Why can't I be as good at this as Sports Illustrated's Bill Scheft?


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