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Tryouts are over

Posted by Jerry Randolph on Aug 02 2013 at 05:00PM PDT

  We had a fantastic 2 days of tryouts . The boys showed how hard they have worked in our off season strentgh and conditioning program . Coach Will did a great job setting this up and running it .

  We had 4 players meet our top expectaion time for the 2 mile run of under 13 minutes : Will Roark , Kyle Bussard , Brandon Siroki , and Mason Schacherer . 

  We had 9 young men meet all of our expectations for the Varsity . With a 2 mile run under 14 minutes and 4 , 100 yard sprints in under 70 seconds , juggling feet only of over 70 and juggling all around over 100  : Lucas Eshbaugh , Murrie Affini , Kyle Bussard , Carl Cardenas , Brandon Siroki , Blake McCoy , Ryan Zech , Mason Schacherer , and Evan Teaney .

   We had 4 young men meet 3 of the 4 expectations : Patrick Zengel , Ibrahim Al -Salhi , Cole Dales , and David Garland .

   All of our players met team requirements and  over 75%   ran the 2 mile in under 15 minutes . 95%  ran the 100 yard sprints in under 70 seconds and the rest  met the 40 second requirement for 2 sprint times .

   We had 8 players with feet only juggling over 100 with Kyle Bussard at a nice 253 and Mason Schacherer an impressive 436 . 4 players had over 150 all around juggles with Murrie Affini at 208 and Mason Schacherer  512 .

  Sophmore Mason Schacherer led all categorys except 1  with Carl Cardenas edgeing him out by 1 second for the 100 yard sprints with a 58 and 57 second times respectively . He turned in a 2 mile run of 12:41 edgeing Will Roark out by 1 second . Great job Mason !!!

   I couldnt be more pleased with our efforts this far . I am looking forward to seeing them play as hard as the worked .

                                                  Coach Jerry


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